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I have 17 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 446995 times and 170 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2103 of my 14,340 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2152 votes

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2103 of my comments have received 2152 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

I really like the repetition

Posted on Sun, 15 Jun 2014

I really like the repetition in this piece

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Posted in Look Out

1 Vote

‘I’ve got a few day,’  - just

Posted on Sat, 14 Jun 2014

‘I’ve got a few day,’  - just that one typo, which should be forgiven really, considering how wonderful all the rest is - thank you so much for part two! - now come back to England again soon for one of the readings. I will make the sandwiches...

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Posted in Unbounders Away 2

1 Vote

I haven't read/seen crashed,

Posted on Sat, 03 May 2014

I haven't read/seen crashed, but I enjoyed this piece very much. If I had one small suggestion, it might be that perhaps it needs a little narrative linking the passages together - maybe some more clues for the reader? I hope that helps - do post...

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Posted in Falling

1 Vote

Very much enjoyed this!

Posted on Sun, 27 Apr 2014

Very much enjoyed this!

Two small typos:

"Uncle Gunder, a renown physicist"


"Sunday’s just got more interesting. "  (unless of course you actually mean only that one Sunday)

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Posted in The Broheim Men

1 Vote

this is looking better too!

Posted on Mon, 31 Mar 2014

this is looking better too! One more tip (and it's something I always do): in the dialogue, once I've written it, I always go back and make sure I've abbreviated things in the way one would if one were talking - I've, it's etc etc. It makes...

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Posted in The Labour Planet - A Working Title - Part Three

1 Vote

ha - made me laugh! I always

Posted on Sat, 05 Apr 2014

ha - made me laugh! I always wonder where you get your plots from...

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Posted in Larry and Mick Get Frozen

1 Vote

The dialogue in this part is

Posted on Thu, 03 Apr 2014

The dialogue in this part is much better! The only bit I found slightly hard to believe was here:


“Yes, it is not looking good but if there is one  thing we can take from this it is that we seem to be heading for a planet that can...

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Posted in The Labour Planet A Working Title Part Four 1118 words

1 Vote

I'm still really enjoying

Posted on Mon, 31 Mar 2014

I'm still really enjoying this - and i see congratulations are in order for being pick of the day! I have one tiny suggestion for this part:  the dialogue at the end, between the woman and the man is great - very authentic, but the conversation...

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Posted in The Labour Planet - A Working Title - Part Three

1 Vote

what a fantastic opening

Posted on Sat, 29 Mar 2014

what a fantastic opening chapter - I'm very much looking forward to reading the next part!

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Posted in The Labour Planet - A Working Title - First Draft

1 Vote

Hello - this was very

Posted on Tue, 18 Mar 2014

Hello - this was very readable, it has a nice easy flow to it. It is quite slow moving though, and i think it could be improved with a good edit - maybe cut it down by a third or so? Welcome to ABC!

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Posted in All my creation - chapter 1
