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I have 17 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 446995 times and 170 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2103 of my 14,340 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2152 votes

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2103 of my comments have received 2152 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

There's some wonderful

Posted on Sun, 06 Dec 2015

There's some wonderful imagery in this piece, although it needs a little edit as it is perhaps a bit repetitive in places - also some grammatical typos (eg don't/doesn't). Welcome to ABC!

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Posted in The Fallen one

1 Vote

very nicely written. I wonder

Posted on Thu, 03 Dec 2015

very nicely written. I wonder how many penis adorned desks there are in the country? 

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Posted in the anatomically correct penis

1 Vote

beautifully done Tina. Have I

Posted on Wed, 25 Nov 2015

beautifully done Tina. Have I read this before?

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Posted in Seeing the Light

1 Vote

'Hitler drank tap water'  -

Posted on Tue, 24 Nov 2015

'Hitler drank tap water'  - brilliant line!

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Posted in Blood is thicker than water

1 Vote

I'm glad to hear she did

Posted on Thu, 19 Nov 2015

I'm glad to hear she did something about it in the end. This poem rings very true - all the sad excuses, always the same it seems. Heartbreaking last line.

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Posted in Happy families

1 Vote

Hello Darkpink and welcome to

Posted on Tue, 10 Nov 2015

Hello Darkpink and welcome to ABC. There's some fantastic imagery in this piece. It does need a good edit. Quite a few places where the words you've chosen don't seem to quite match what's needed. I'm not sure if you used a thesaurus perhaps?...

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Posted in Ice Heart

1 Vote

Superchap is a truly

Posted on Tue, 10 Nov 2015

Superchap is a truly wonderful name for a character, and I love the list of magazines - nice to see you back again pepsoid!

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Posted in Dr Procrastination

1 Vote

Hello Jason and welcome to

Posted on Mon, 02 Nov 2015

Hello Jason and welcome to ABC. There's some lovely imagery in this. A couple of suggestions: I don't think the repetition works very well - and 'dating furniture' - should be dated

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Posted in Perfectly in Place

1 Vote

an interesting storyline in

Posted on Wed, 28 Oct 2015

an interesting storyline in this piece Teddy. Might be worth expanding?

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Posted in Clarence Ramone

1 Vote

Hello L.C. and welcome to ABC

Posted on Wed, 28 Oct 2015

Hello L.C. and welcome to ABC. In answer to your question, this is engaging enough to make me want to read chapter two. A few typos and odd word choices here and there which, if you go through it again and correct (perhaps get a friend to read it...

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Posted in I don't know yet!
