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I have 133 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 70556 times and 26 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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James Fountain

My stories

My Generation

Stained, elated, we face the future erected for us from fibreglass and high-speed connections, world shrunk to the size of a golf ball smote from point of origin

Green Leaves

The moon rode high last night, New friends like fresh green leaves On branches desperate for new growth, Silhouettes on the beach of evening Moulding futures left and right


This Middle Eastern street swept clean by the shamal blowing through the cracked asphalt ushering strips of green tumbleweed. Date-palms shudder as the inconsistent wind-murmurs

A Sestina For Her

I felt the trance of onrushing years Fell choking at steps of city buildings Scraping the sky nonchalantly, gripping clouds As the focus of my bemusement held

The Man Who Built His Life on Sand

I was staid, somber, failed to be entertained in the ochre sunset, vermillion sea sparkling on the skyline before me. Hints of clouds rise into the Arabian skies as distant
