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I have 80 stories published in 7 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 43595 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

Thebighand5's picture

My stories

Limerick 2

There once was a man born in Kent, Who didn't like his house in Trent He moved back 'home'. But was all alone, So he moved to the Ausrailia (because its quite nice, there)

The Non-Sensical Adventures of Scrump 6

'Ha ha ha ha ha haaaa!' Came the noise as the plane shrieked with glee. The man moaned as he tried to escape his marmalade-y death that was threatening to consume him.

Rant 1

Don't you hate the way that humans arn't immortal??!! Or able to fly!!! Also, the fact that technology gets outdated so quickly annoys me as well, dosen't you?

Limerick Wun

There once was a lad from derby Who loved cooking meat on the barby But one fatefull day He forgot his meat So he purchased some beef from the scorby

Scrimp’s Magical Face 2

Scrimp ambled, facelessly around his house moaning in agony. 'GREG!! GRAG!! You foul demons from the abyss! I will find you and tear off your faces while playing the Marsiellaise backwards!'.
