Unordered Tales

all things gnarled and beautiful

The ultimate questions are not?galatial? as we might suppose; nor can we feed this wanderlust the stilted paths of human reason. We know what we are...

a prayer to an unknown God

I am not a fool who believes the earth is 4,000 years old, doesn't see the vestigal tail on a fetus, or who fails to understand Machiavellian...

assorted journal

We're losing Cabin pressure and I wanted to spit a few more memories. I'm listening to the most famous "Live" album. I'm really feeling it. "Secret...

Big Brother

I never much liked you, big brother. Stronger, faster, meaner. At times I idolized you, glib and surrounded by girls. But I hated myself for it. When...

Citizen Steak

This is dedicated to King George II.

Dawnmares (and Benvolio, learned fisherman)

dawnmares so often they start like starlight: an open night and a cheerful invite from a new pal who seems all right, and might know tricks to besparkle our night; but 2 or 3 slips from 4 to 5,

Declaration of New Dada

like bulb-drawn idealist moths daring to again dance and convulse: fairy-dust flying off our Dada wings as we box by the night light of reaching aluminum aesthete arms

Keep on Running

Let confusion have it's time cause it will... along with poverty, war, and crime. that's right just keep running for your light although your mind screams out with fright all night.

m.p.a. flying powder haiku set

Battling the thick rust of ego, the discussion creaks out akward I's distorted blue-eyes gaze back from the lined-mirror as we snort white fire war...

some poem

After traversing the hospital-monster to see democracy-in-traction, and placing his bouquet of blue-roses above the fluid-droid in the growing...

the stick-man speaks

Terrified(my shaky-lines lacking utter surety's perfectly-pixelated 3-d form,) outside my built-not-drawn Townhouse, my green cactus-tri-piked hands...

Lingo-symphonic Christmas Carve-Ups

Another holiday season pumps its celebratory punch through my mutant veins: filling shiny pine-green boxes with love and perpetuating my precarious...

political scraps involving Jackson County, Oregon

As a native Ashlander and S.O.U. alumni of intellectual inclination, I've often collaborated with this newspaper to discuss a wide range of...

further "political" scraps involving Jackson County, Oregon

As a proud Ashland native and S.O.U. alumni, after extensive first-hand experience and years of research, I'd like to ask my fellow citizens to...

half-moon haiku set

Primitive fog-light it cuts and calls through thick mist... but the light passes tired eyes gaze out a green-tinted brow as if at some B-movie Future...