
By Silver Spun Sand
Fri, 01 Jun 2012
- 2936 reads
Piebald shadows drift
on by the thickets
of reeds...caught
in a peignoir of mist
as a kite lifts its mewling
on the breeze
that decides
to tag along...
on the cheek of a hill
cows for milking
in undulating,
never-ending line
lethargically trundle...
a night-jar warbles
its berceuse across
the corduroy contours
of the hills...across
a crèche of sleepy stars.
Night creatures hide
in the quoins of a copse
and whisper
a waterfall of lullabies
to a time skewered dusk
and I wonder why
life waited quite this long
to find me.
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I've read quite a few poems
I've read quite a few poems today Tina and this one made me the happiest. :-)
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Two lovely words here,
Permalink Submitted by hilary west on
Two lovely words here, peignoir and quoins. The poem itself is a lovely meander with many engaging descriptions !
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Much enjoyed again, Tina.
Much enjoyed again, Tina. Actually I'd forgotten the word 'berceuse'. Should have known it from long ago music practices. One query, - are the cows waiting for next morning's milking? or I suppose it's winter time, and already getting dark for the evening milking?
(and thank you, I didn't have a soaking on the school hill!) Rhiannon
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Lovely picture postcard with
Permalink Submitted by Parson Thru on
Lovely picture postcard with an agonising sign-off. Well done Tina.
Parson Thru
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new Silver-Spun-Sand Hi!
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
new Silver-Spun-Sand
Hi! Tina Well done on the cherries!
Love all the exciting ways,and words
in terrific writer's poem.
Wow! I have learn't some meanings of words
cheated looked up quoins thanks.
Night creatures hide
in the qoins of a copse
a waterfall of lullabies
a time skewed dusk
and I wonder why
life waited quite this long
to find me.
Have a great Jubilee Day!
whatever you do regardless of weather forecasts!
My goodness me.
"Jazz" is working! again.
We all wish The Queen Elizabeth II ER
A Happy and Glorious 60 years. Diamond Jubilee. 1952-2012
Long May ma'am Reign.
Mum Nan Grandmother and Gt Grandmother
Our Queen. Elizabeth.
Have a wonderful day.
Love care and devotion
Wow! who did Ray bring a card from yesterday?
Buckingham Palace! My goodness me.
Ray is beaming he wasn't joking.
From H.R.H. Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge
Kate photo,words of thanks,for thinking of them on their 1st Wedding Anniversary. We can't be at London.
Off to Brighton Pavilion Dome and Royal Pavilion.
In concoction suit,red and white and blue! music notes on we sewed. And t shirt bought at London shop,with The
Queen on,photo of "Diamond Jubilee"same as wax works Madame Taussauds. London.
When we came up other week
for "The Wheatsheaf Poetry" great night. Stopped first three souvenir places.
Got dress in sale,paid more than usual I saved.
for The Pier Brighton Monday and add bits.
Are you playing your piano or dancing! I have bought
small crown cheap! but my head is too big?? now Iv'e
got these
Royalty cards!
Reading The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
were so touched that you took the trouble
to write as you did on the anniversary of their
Wedding. It really was most thoughtful of you
and Their Royal Highness send you their
warmest thanks and best wishes. Wow! how very kind.
Late Diana buried on my birthday then. etc;
Bought one of the books have few and things and given to me, latest is
DIAMOND JUBILEE Daily Mail. "A life in pictures special souvenir edition". Under £10.
Packed beautiful pictures
of The Queen,all down through ages Royalty,beautiful
large colouful and some black and white very reasonable. Book, Buy W.H.Smiths or Waterstones.
I had just re-posted poem "I Crown Thee King "Jazz"
as may got lost in the post,and couple lines say,in poem maybe H.M. The Queen could write a note,or medal
for neighbour's cat "Jazz" care and love and comfort.
As morning post arrived.
Buckingham Palace wow!
Have a good break and yours. I'm lucky Ray taking me Brighton to Pier. Visit n/home Thursday few of us. Party for them nice! just a get together.
Buses sunday times Monday Brighton pier,look a likes
and large head cardboard of H.R.H. Prince Philip,look a like beside The Queen headboard I assume. Think. Live bands. 1-4.30pm most are. Then watch all on t.v. Diamond Jubilee buy DVD.
take care. Dressing up bit,silly things,dress,new red roses white background,now at last got flared proper length petticoat,fits long skirts,
if a bit rock n'roll you know. Fascinator cheap! Just
being me and doing my own thing, here and there!
Thanks big protest going on! scary. Also paper wrong,
places,not in the gardens! inside,Dome nearly finished when we walked around outside as paper said..
I imagine all paid,dress up as 1950's then costumes,etc; then jive team,after hair is done! and photoed all were. Ray took huge beach bag,and towel sit on and sandwiches and flask etc; course the do,mentioned in paper in Pavilion Gardens no where to be seen,he thought I was wrong! but when someone like air steward grey costume guided us,inside not out. Ray sat there! eating half a pie,and pouring drinks,felt embarrassed, as drinks and food could buy,all watching him? Windy out on the way two girls past us,wearing same little crown as I took,had it pinned down grips. So got Ray take it out little bag
and put it on for me so brave and secure mine,would you believe it few comments,one lady bowed to me? I got no jive as Ray doesn't one from team with his girl spoke later,sometimes jive,but Ray sat at top end,soon over. Couple shouted male did "Bless The Queen!
Well spots rain but fairly fine! Rest day sunday.
Must watch t.v tomorrow "Diamond Anniversary" barge is named,"Glorianna" almost my name, looks amazing.
All for now, are you saving your poems,in an albumn.
So great. The shop is called "Me Me" my dress I got,Ray always says I am Me Me! not true! I Have two short net petticoats lovely,never fitted skirts too long! Now great have right length. Not cheap,and tried dress on without Ray!
First it was blue cornflowers like on white back ground,bit off white,loved red said and white so kindly changed it,as liked in first place, it is lovely but long full red net petticoat looks fab;Ray not sure if prefers just with half way one inside.
Have a good "Diamond Jubilee" break. You and your's.
julie x
ps Tina,sorry decided try story bit of this,so Ray
copied some off,mad it into "Over The Moon2 so excited think. So will if most repeated delete,if like,as Ray posted before time to do so, Will when have time. Don't want spoil your lovely poem.
julie x
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Hello Tina, You've done it
Hello Tina,
You've done it again. Another fine piece and I love the very descriptive "...on the cheek of a hill"
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