Hawthorn Realm 7 Part 2
By Wes
- 1358 reads
Peters face was smudged black, his armor spotted red, like the sword he held casually at his side. He motioned towards Arianwyn. The two men walked over to her taking up position on either side. Efa tossed each of them three of the blue tipped arrows.
Arianwyn, face flushed, eyes wide and staring, continued rubbing her temples. Her amulet changing colors every few seconds.
"Good of you to join us. Peter.” The professor remarked, “I trust all went well?"
"Fine.” Peter answered. "They had a Shade with them. Trefor and Cato were hit by the dark. They're being treated by the Fey."
He raised his sword and wiped the blade with a gloved hand. “They should be here directly. What's next?"
"Well, that depends on our friends there.” The professor traced a blue circle in the air.
What say you, Rory..? Finish this here and now..? Or are you and your friends going to slink back under whatever rock you crawled out from?"
He spoke under his breath, and the floating circle filled with runic symbols.
Rory raised his hand, "You’re a fool Maudlin but so mote it be. He lowered his hand. The air crackled with electricity as a jagged blue streak left his fingers heading straight for Efa and the professor.
The blue circle shot forward. The lightning bolt struck it then vanished.
Efa lifted her bow, and fired. As did the two men guarding Arianwyn. The battle was over in seconds. Seven of the cloaked figures unable to magik the deadly blue arrows lay still on the ground.
Rory and another man cowering behind a hastily erected shield stepped back into the shadows.
"This isn't over yet Maudlin.” Rory's disembodied voice carried on the air as they dissapered.
"Peter, take your men and have a look around." The professor turned and walked to Arianwyn, Efa close behind him.
Arianwyn, color returning to her face, watched their approach.
"Miss Synan, you are looking none the worse for wear. I suppose you have questions regarding this sudden life style change."
"The thought did cross my mind. Who were those men, and why were they trying to kidnap me?"
"Miss Synan, I give you my word all this will be explained. What we need from you at the moment is what you saw when you looked into the veil."
Arianwyn looked at Efa. "Are you two an item?"
"Miss Synan, It has already brought to your attention that all this will be explained. Right now what's important is....”
Arianwyn sighed, "Enough already. Is it that important?"
"More then you imagine, Miss Synan. I strongly suggest you talk to me now before the veil weakens."
"Okay.” A note of irritation crept into Arianwyn's voice. “First off it was beautiful. Story book scenario. Green grass, clear blue sky, a meadow full of flowers, tall trees all around. I could smell pine. And there was a castle, gray, built into the side of a mountain."
"That's the ticket just as I thought."
Efa looped her arm through the professor’s. "So where we going?"
"52.25356°N 8.56405°W County Cork Ireland, circa 1200."
Arianwyn approached,"I'm not going anywhere but back to my room.” Adding, “You got all that from my description?”
"Partly Miss Synan, the rest came from the veil, we best be going."
"I just said I'm not going anywhere."
Efa placed a hand lightly on Arianwyn's shoulder.
"Ari, It’s not safe for you here anymore. Those men will be back. They won't rest until they succeed in capturing you."
"But why me? Who are they, what do they want, and just exactly where are we going?”
"Miss Synan, There's precious little time, the veil will close in less then 5 minutes.We must cross over now. I'll try to answer your questions as we walk. Agreed?”
"Those men are members of a group that calls itself réalta ag ardú, (rising star) They seek the power of one, the ultimate power, and believe you, your family hold the key to finding it.”
"This power of one? Does it even exist?”
"I believe it does, which is why we must cross over."
"Cross over to where exactly."
Efa looped her arm through Arianwyn's Why to visit your Grandmother of course."
Arianwyn tried to stop walking but Efa kept her moving. "My Grandmother!" My Grandmother is in Cincinna..."
The professor interrupted "Your Grandmother is at Castle Synan." She summoned you when she sent that necklace. It’s unfortunate your parents chose to shield you from the truth of your ancestry."
"My ancestry?" They had reached the veil and Arianwyn cautiously placed her foot over the threshold. This is all making zero sense.She pulled her foot back "Professor What exactly is the power of one."
"In layman's terms, Miss Synan it’s the one and true name of God. With control over that knowledge one would become invincible. Its the ultimate power and the réalta ag ardú will not stop until they have it in their possession. They will destroy anyone or anything that gets in the way of their quest.I'm afraid for the moment You'll just have to trust us."
"Destroy? as in kill us? Arianwyn shivered "Professor,is this the end then?"
"No Miss Synan,the professor answered as the veil closed around them. This, is only the beginning."
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I really don't know much
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Hi Wes, so now Arianwyn will
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Excellent prose again, Wes.
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