Welcome To England

By jolono
- 12870 reads
She stood there. Hands by her side. Back straight. Trying to look taller than her five feet seven inches. She’d been told to impress.
A tall bearded man was circling her just a few feet away.
“Smile for fucks sake. Let’s see those teeth!”
She did as she was told, put on a false smile then opened her mouth wide.
“Take off your top. “
Like a trained dog she obeyed him in an instant. She threw her blouse to the ground.
“And your bra!”
She unhooked it and let it slide to the floor. She stood there topless. Her body started to shiver from the cold night air.
The bearded man turned away from her and spoke to a shadowy figure in the corner of the damp railway arch.
“Is she clean?”
“Well, she’s travelled in the back of a van for the past thirty six hours so I suppose she could do with a bit of a wash…”
“Don’t fuck about Carlos. Is she CLEAN? Any infections, diseases, marks, cuts, bruises?”
“She’s clean!”
“What is she?”
“How old?”
“Eighteen? Maybe twenty?”
“Has she been used much?”
“Just a few times on the way over, that’s all.”
The bearded man ran his hands over her shoulders, arms, waist and legs. He poked a finger into her stomach.
“She’s a bit skinny.”
Carlos appeared from the shadows. A short, stocky, balding man in a leather jacket who appeared to have no neck.
“That’s how everyone wants them these days. But she’s got great tits. Anyway, she’ll soon fatten up after a few takeaways.”
The bearded man stroked his chin.
“How much?”
“Five thousand.”
Carlos laughed.
“Fuck off. Pounds!”
The bearded man shook his head.
“That’s expensive.”
“Bollocks, she’ll earn you that and more in six months. If not just sell her on. You’ll get three grand for her even if she’s damaged.”
The bearded man reached into his coat pocket, pulled out a bundle of fifty pound notes and handed them to Carlos.
“Okay. I’ll take her.”
Carlos took the money and smiled.
“She’s yours. I’ve got a few more coming in next month from Nigeria. Interested?”
“You know me Carlos, if the price is right and they’re in good nick them I’ll take them. Give me a call when they arrive.”
The two men shook hands and Carlos left.
The bearded man looked at the young girl in front of him.
“You speak English?”
Nervously the girl spoke.
“Yes, but not too good.”
“Okay. Listen to me carefully, I just bought you, so you belong to me now. Understand?”
The girl nodded.
“You call me boss. Okay?”
Again the girl nodded.
The bearded man slapped her hard across the face, causing her head to jerk violently to the right. She stumbled but quickly regained her position and stood up straight. The man leaned in close so that his face was only inches from hers.
“I said, you call me boss. Okay?”
“Yes boss.”
“That’s better. Now put your fucking clothes on and come with me.”
She sat quietly in the back of the old Volvo estate while the bearded man drove slowly through the brightly lit streets.
After thirty minutes the car stopped outside a terraced house in a quiet street.
The bearded man got out and opened her door. He clapped his hands.
“Come on, chop chop.”
Hurriedly she slid along the back seat and almost fell out of the car. The man had already started walking up the pathway of one of the houses. She closed the car door and ran quickly to catch him up.
The door was opened by a woman in her late forties with a complexion that gave away her sixty a day habit. Without saying a word the bearded man turned and walked back down the path. Leaving the girl unsure of what to do next.
The woman grabbed her arm and pulled her roughly into the house. She looked the girl up and down as though she was trying to guess her worth. She spoke in a broad London accent.
“You speak English?”
The girl nodded.
“A little.”
“Good. What’s your name?”
“Ardita. My name is Ardita.”
The woman put her hands on her hips.
“Where you from?”
“Berat. It’s a small town in Albania.”
The woman let out a sigh.
“To be honest I really don’t give a shit where you’re from. But for what it’s worth, welcome to fucking England.”
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She threw her blouse
She threw her blouse
She stood their topless
...that's the typos done with - the rest is wonderful. The dialogue is spot on, the casual dehumanisation of the girl - brilliant and chilling. Well done!
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I missed this Jolono. Hits hard, very hard. I hope that you let it run. Already three strong characters and provoking a visceral response - those are the ingredients any writer would cut her/his arm off for. Go for it. I smell a fruit salad on its way...
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Woman as vehicle oiling the
Woman as vehicle oiling the wheels of democracy, this hits home like a shot in the arm. They treat cars better. Hideous portrayal and excellent dialogue
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I think this works so well as
I think this works so well as a short story, but like scratch, I'd love to see it go on. It is hard hitting, but it made me want to cry that anyone could buy - 'if the price is right and they’re in good nick (them - then? ) I'll take them. Give me a call when they arrive.”' - especially horrible were the added details like,
“Has she been used much?”
“Just a few times on the way over, that’s all.”
Then the mention of the possibility of the Nigerian girls... That got me. Clever and made heatbreakingly real by the ordinary dialogue and the fact that it's happening here.
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The dialogue is spot-on, and
The dialogue is spot-on, and it's a tough, real subject that I'd love to see you dig your teeth into. I'm with everyone else in hoping this turns into something longer!
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Hi Joe,
Hi Joe,
Another belter. Go for it. But have the trains stopped running?
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Hello Joe,
Hello Joe,
I'm so pleased you haven't given up on Trains. It is an excellent story which I was really enjoying.. See, I've even got a good memory but I think I said before that I thought Trains was even better than Missing and you know I loved that. Inspiration will come.
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Great Piece
This was really well written and flowed smoothly. I found it chilling and un-nerving, as if I'd just had a glimpse in to a darker world that exists all around us.
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'Leaving the girl unsure what
'Leaving the girl unsure what to do next' is half a sentence, but the whole life story. Realistic and rings true. I'd be checking your flat for Albanians.
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Hi Joe,
Hi Joe,
this is such a chilling story and as some of the other readers said, your'e spot on with the dialogue.
By the way, I too have seen that film about human trafficing and it was very disturbing to watch.
Hope there's more to this story.
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As ever your work has a cinematic quality
Sorry I have been away for so long - your writing is as wonderful as ever and I intend to catch up on it.
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Difficult to read but only
Difficult to read but only bcause its so good. Great stuff Jolono. R
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This reminded me of Deborah
This reminded me of Deborah Moggach's novel, the title will come to me in the dead of night. It's a brave, stripping piece with superbly managed emotional detachment. Worked with trafficked children so found this very 'triggering.'
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I thoroughly enjoyed reading
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I do hope you continue with it. It's such a hard hitting subject, which I don't think is given enogh exposure in fiction.Great dialogue too. Sorraya
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You really drag us in and
You really drag us in and make us want to keep reading.
Do post more.
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