Bee's Journey

By Insertponceyfrenchnamehere
- 73846 reads
This is for the many many people who've been following Bee's Journey, all the way through her diagnosis and her treatment.
Bee has asked me to put an update on here for you as she isn't well enough to do it herself. She told her daughter I'd know what to say and I wish I had her confidence. Anyway, here goes... Bee started getting awful headaches and loss of balance about three weeks ago and very sadly was recently told that these symptoms were a result of the cancer spreading to her brain. She has decided to treat the symptoms only.
I spoke to her not long ago and she told me how much it's meant to her to have such wonderful support from you, and how good it's felt that perhaps by writing through it all, she might be helping others with her insights.
I know she's very keen to publish a pamphlet of her journey - mainly for her family, but I'm sure we can get a few more printed. We'll keep you updated on its progress (if anyone knows a good printer or could help in another way do please email me).
I don't know if she will be well enough to come back, but for the moment I'm sure she could do with your thoughts/prayers as she goes through this hard time.
I know she'd want to thank you all for being there.
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I'm shocked and saddened and
I'm shocked and saddened and wish I could say something to help.
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I have not been long on this
I have not been long on this site but I can tell Bee is pure heart and brave to face this and strong to write about it. I will pray and pray... and pray that prayers work.
My thoughts are turned to healing and miracles bestowed.
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Through the ABC site, it has
Through the ABC site, it has been my privilege to get to know Bee both through her exceptional creative ability and her kind and generous nature and I am devastated that she is still suffering. I have only just seen this although I did know her health had further deteriorated as we have been in contact by email. She was hoping to come to the Parkinson's Players show but it was too far for her to come in her condition. If the DVD is any good I will send a copy to her for her to watch or not watch. I have so much admiration for her courage and my hope is that her journey will be published so that other sufferers may benefit from her experience.
Bee, you are always in my thoughts,
Moya x
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Poor Bee, I was so sorry to
Poor Bee, I was so sorry to see this post, I have been thinking of her throughout her journey and reading the blogs though havent been on myself lately. I dont know Bee personally, but on here she has always been so kind and supportive to my work and problems, which seem so trivial now compared to hers. To be able to document her journey as she has been doing is such a wonderful thing to be able to do.
I join with many others in saying
Bless you Bee, thinking of you always. x
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I hope ...
.. the tears I'm crying can wash away some of her pain...
Thank-you for this update. Sending so much love and thanks and appreciation for Bee and her Beauty and how much she has added to me....
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I've not been on for quite a
I've not been on for quite a while...and so upset and shocked to read this message. Sending you loving thoughts Bee, you wonderful poet. Take care xx
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Thinking of you and praying
Thinking of you and praying for you, Bee.
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I'm sorry to hear this. Get
I'm sorry to hear this. Get well.
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I have been down this road with several friends. Sadly for me I never know whether to be silent or to speak. I hate being helpless, but In being so I learn that I must listen and understand how cheap my words must sometimes sound.
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