Kim's Game at Some Remove

By Ewan
- 3508 reads
A G-plan coffee table so low you couldn’t sit on the
married quarters armchairs except on the edge
or the teapot would be too far away.
Next to the cups - in flat muddy green, standing
on contrasting white speckled saucers -
there are other time-tricked memories.
A spatchcocked paperback, Zane Grey
or Dennis Wheatley, racy covers
with lurid fonts, next to a Sunday Post.
A school report crumpled from a back pocket,
careful smoothing of the paper has
smeared the As into Bs.
Cigarette packets, one of those whirry ashtrays
that you pressed down on a knob to open,
a Ronson lighter and Mum’s Colibri.
A Black and White TV, off, nobody watched
that sinister girl and the blackboard.
Radio on. Waggoners’ Walk – No Archers here.
Afternoon tea, if “someone” visited,
not Peggy Hamilton who came round
to smoke and show the bruises.
No beer cans, whisky tumblers, long drinks,
not in the house, not then. Besides
what happened in the Mess….
The same furniture in different houses,
in different countries, in different times,
‘til the different memories are the same.
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is that concrete poetry? that
is that concrete poetry? that looks like what it writes about. That's something new to me. It's a bit of a mess the mess, but memories solidify around the banal, I guess.
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I love the idea of making a
I love the idea of making a poem from Kim's Game (I don't think we called it that, but can't remember what we did call it) - in fact, I like it so much, if you don't mind, I'm going to nick the idea for the Inspiration Point!
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haha - I was asked to leave
haha - I was asked to leave guides, but at least I managed to stay the course at brownies! I was about to ask if you minded me borrowing your idea, but will take the absence of a complaint as a yes. Let me know if I'm wrong and I'll change it
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thanks - didn't notice! (I
thanks - didn't notice! (I never read the titles)
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I remember Kim's game.
I remember Kim's game as a childrens' party game, I knew it as 'Memory.' Miscellaneous objects on a tray, then cover them with a tea towel and list what you remember. Your poem reads like a great memory snapshot.
(My favourite party game was 'Stations' Mum's friend Jane Garland gave big parties. We all had the name of a London Station and had to change chairs or be stuck in the middle and grab a chair next time eg 'Paddington change with Waterloo' And sometimes she would shout 'All Change' and we all had a mad scramble!)
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