Like To Remember

By skinner_jennifer
- 4100 reads
Those yawning summers
our parents once knew,
left us youngsters with easy
energy that was boundless,
chasing silent butterflies
though diminutive, we
with arms outstretched
flying, fluttering in unison,
seeking simple pleasures
pretending we too could
amuse ourselves hiding
in meadows of grasses.
Then! To dart among tall trees
endless muddy scabby knees,
chasing beams of sparkling rays
through tops of drooping limbs,
running down streams with pointy sticks,
racing leafy boats...poking all around;
brilliant ideas blinking from envisions
these are shades of nature I like to recall.
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It sounds as if you lived or
It sounds as if you lived or holidayed in a lovely spot. Children can make a lot of a bit of space though, and those summer times seemed so long! We lived for a while when my children were young at a boarding school, and they had much freedom with the playing fields and rough surrounds to play in. Rhiannon
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I loved this one Jenny - you
I loved this one Jenny - you've really captured the essence of a semi-wild childhood with this joyful piece
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what a wonderful time you
what a wonderful time you evoke! grassy meadows, tall trees, leaf boats and the "we" of friendship,
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This takes me back to that
This takes me back to that brief time when as a child you feel truly free to explore the world around you without fear and enhance it with your own imagination. I worry that children don't get enough of this now, I'm pretty sure mine didn't didn't play on their own like I used to but then I was probably an odd child..
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Lovely stuff Jenny, I
Lovely stuff Jenny, I remember those endless muddy scabby knees.
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Hi, Jenny
Hi, Jenny
A delightful poem, Jenny, capturing the magic of childhood. As a child we used to play in each other's gardens and had wonderful times, sometimes getting down to the river where we went on the bus. Or just playing in the park after school, and of course had boundless energy, quite gone now !
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our youth is our summer with
our youth is our summer with boundless energy -ah wlll. I remember it well. nicely done, jenny.
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days of my childhood
picking up pebbles and throwing them into the sea, the days of my childhood all come rolling back to me, if only we could turn back the clock in years and relive all the laughter and tears
I can't remember the words but the song is beautiful, they say I always sang it as a little child. I'll look it up!
Keep well Jenny! Tom
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The original lyrics
The original lyrics are given as a comment on “thunder and tenacity” Look at the kids on the ...
Nolan has some of his own words too for these lyrics right here on ABC,
Have a good week Jenny! Tom Brown
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