Singing in Lockdown

By JamesF
- 945 reads
I am locked down, but my brain is in hyperdrive,
extended reems unfold beyond me, forgotten schemes
rediscovered in the tight confines of my apartment,
my mind sings, finds so many things to work itself on,
music I’d intended to listen to years ago,
books of poems abandoned ages back,
movies recommended by friends at parties,
now devoured from a hastily written list.
It is as though physical inactivity makes a brain
crave the undiscovered, as one yearns for new lands
when the present one feels spent, so old thoughts
become redundant, run across themselves,
find nothing extraordinary, a lack of sensory stimuli,
force my eyes to find new fixations, to look up
as the world goes down, which was imitated in art,
then physically destroyed incrementally over time.
As the polar ice caps melt, speedily bringing a conclusion,
with methane and a whole kaleidoscope of chemicals,
we have succeeded in fucking the planet, which now,
in lockdown we hold dear, repenting sin in the cells
we crafted for ourselves, and now, in hiding from friends,
fearing infection from closest allies, we realise life’s fragility
almost too late, but not too late for us to see the fools we’ve
made of ourselves, all that complex brain matter, wasted.
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Hear! Hear. Jenny.
Hear! Hear.
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I have enjoyed your poem. It
I have enjoyed your poem. It is a great poem, expressing our desires to explore all the books and films etc in our rich culture, which we are normally too busy to explore. The sense of our society having spoiled many of its opportunities and being embarked on a course of destroying or undermining our own planet and safety is very well expressed. A great conclusion where you say 'but not too late for us to see the fools we've made of ourselves'. Very powerful in the circumstances we find ourselves.
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