Friendly Separation

By Rhiannonw
- 2858 reads
Thank you for crossing to the other side,
we know you don’t want to shun us or hide,
or show us our friendship you can’t abide,
the pavement’s not wide,
and we wave and grin
with full understanding
that politeness and friendship today
shows true by keeping away!
[as the new IP is 'Distance' I put this into that category too!]
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It's a strange new world isn
It's a strange new world isn't it Rhiannon. hope you're keeping well!
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Playing chicken Rhiannon? Myself was suffering already of tactile deprevation, sorry the computer doesn't work. Nice rhyme! & && &&
Lectronix aint got no soul try me babe!
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Lockdown in South-Africa
It sounds like the lockdowns are surprisingly very similar in most countries Rhiannon, but one big issue here is the selling of cigarettes. This is not being handled well at all the situation could soon become catastrophic.
Then as well and extremely serious is the misconduct of individual police officers and members of the armed forces.
Now we moved from a level “five” to “four”. One wonders too about the feasibility of enforcing regulations. In fact, what is legal and what exactly is illegal. Talking of enforcing law, what is crime and what is not? How will it be punished?
This is not martial law the authorities can't do as they please.
To be honest I'm sick of corona covert 19 corona covert 19 corona corona all the time really there's no point to it this public fascination, you can't change anything your radius of influence as individual is much too tiny. I've decided to limit myself to one radio news bulletin a day.
See you and as they say, keep safe! . & . & . & .
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I find this too! People are
I find this too! People are more likely to smile and say something even than before, to make up for going round, or saying thankyou if I go round. And people talk in the queue outside shops, where before they would just go in. Maybe to make up for being inside all the rest of the time? You have captured/highlighted an interesting aspect of these days!
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I agree with Di, you've
I agree with Di, you've captured that feeling of taking the time to think and care about others around. It's a much more caring and polite world we're living in at the moment. Like you say strangers are stopping to smile. There doesn't seem to be that rushing around feeling anymore.
Well written Rhiannon.
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It's just really nice to see
It's just really nice to see another face coming along the road. I always try to be the one who crosses or steps out into the road but my whippets often cause me to have some delay (they always embarrass me or me them) so the other people beat me to it but there's usually a smile. Lovely and very poignant little poem.
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