Toddler opening presents

By Rhiannonw
- 2502 reads
When you are one
it’s really fun
to tear off the paper
to find what’s inside there.
A boo – k, oh good:
they open and shut
and you can stagger about
to give them to someone, or hide them
– they’ve got squiggles
and pictures inside them.
Some bricks to try to stick together,
wriggle them around until they grip,
and tug and pull until they slip
apart again from one another.
And then that bag they put the wrapping paper in
–it’s meant to go out to the (recycling) bin,
pull the bits out
scatter them about
– more for noisy rip and tear
a snowy carpet everywhere?! …
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What an adorable poem
What an adorable poem Rhiannon, bought back some of my own happy memories.
Happy New Year.
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Delightful, Rhiannon. When
Delightful, Rhiannon. When mine were little I often used to think they'd have been happier with that wrapping paper bag than with any of the presents!
Hope you have a happy and safe New Year.
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Lovely Rhiannon - as are the
Lovely Rhiannon - as are the pictures. Is that a grandhcild of yours? I think my boys both enjoyed the boxes most of all at that age!
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Young children and pet cats
Young children and pet cats prefer the wrapping paper to the actual presents inside. Happy New Year to you :)
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LOVED this poem Rhiannon :0)
LOVED this poem Rhiannon :0)
"A boo – k, oh good:
they open and shut
and you can stagger about
to give them to someone, or hide them"
Made me smile, you are so wonderfully wise at knowing/remembering how a young child sees things! I loved the brisk "oh good" and remember well how my son was not remotely interested in the content of books which I had taken so long to choose, much more in making them into little caves or big crocadiles :0)
Your lovely photo, with the little one's mouth in a perfect O is so special!
And the feeling of happy chaos from the finding and ripping up paper everywhere, I remember that, too. Thankyou so much for sharing the present of your Christmas
I wish you a wonderful, happy, healthy new year
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Makes you want
Makes you want to have kids! That was the greatest present hey Rhiannon? Sunrise, sunset, swiftly go the years .. . ..
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Super sweet! The structure
Super sweet! The structure creates a great reflection of how a child speaks. And this is my library employee side talking, but the "boo-k" tickled me a lot.
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