

Last Rites

Based on the opening line of "Earthly Powers" by Anthony Burgess

The Rufflegruts Of Kanderwick

The Rufflegruts Of Kanderwick By Paul McCann Kanderwick is a quiet place , nothing much happens , not much is said , But every night when most people...


Last week on the news, I heard the story of an estranged Wife. The estrange Husband and estranged Wife, were no longer together they divorced in 2015...

Civilians In War

20/10/23 Of course civilians should be allowed to have the necessities, and the wounded and injured. Those are supposed to be the modern rules of war...

The Buried Treasure (3) - Solving the puzzle

John Brown was flabbergasted. He looked at his wife and asked: “Do you mean you doubt they were federal agents, Dorothy?” Mrs. Brown, who liked to...