Strong and of good Courage
By Tom Brown
- 549 reads
Einstein predicted the tremendous energies unleashed by nuclear reactions he also predicted lasers amongst more. The visionary of the genius of John von Neuman proposed the idea of a digital calculating machine working with logic, in essence the principles of a computer.
Looking now towards the future we and our children will face great challenges we need to have faith and hope, must be strong and of good courage.
We have to all realise that relativity theory doesn't prove that the upper limit of physical speed is lightspeed. In essence this is a result of a mathematical theory itself, in effect then indirectly an assumption apart of reality. Supposing the theory is wrong it might well be possible to attain higher speeds, or any speed for that matter.
The belief nowadays is universal and blindly accepted but is in fact a self-imposed bound and a self-inflicted restraint. Reality is not subject to a theory, a (any) theory is subject to reality.
Einstein's theoretical results as proven whithin his own framework in themselves have to be true, they must be, of logical necessity. However predictions and observations have to be consistent, admittedly these theories so far are indeed very succesful. Although there are other candidate theories to be taken seriously also for instance in string theory.
And no less than Albert Einstein himself said "no amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong".
There are in fact experiments in quantum mechanics that demonstrate speeds faster than light and even instantaneous communication.
This realisation opens endless possibilities for example you could safely speculate of future interstellar travel. We could well be colonising moon, then the nearer planets, subsequently the whole solar system and even become self-sustaining living independently in outer space. In the same way our descendents then might explore and populate our galaxy and perhaps eventually others. The sky is the limit. Rome wasn't built in one day!
Faith is an eternal quest for knowledge. It is a belief in universal truth as something greater, to imagine and visualize a concept or desired outcome, to hope and have endless patience and courage. As more practical considerations work tirelessly, be willing to take a leap into the dark, to have trust in and be convinced the effort is worthwile the risk.
One idea at its time can be a mustard seed of faith, and will grow and thrive and prosper. And one spark may become wildfire.
The ESV translation of Hebrews 11:1 is "faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen".
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