By cheung shun sang
- 443 reads
Obstacles hide the tyrants’ wills.
Despots’ zoos are funny farms.
Arms and candies need no arms.
Good are life are station hills.
Farm you well are leaders’ words.
Rear may hide but front is charms.
Funny counts are funny farms.
Just for songs is something forms.
Worlds as laws are fetching wills.
Altars built the nonsense ways.
Decree despots get their days.
Stir you jails are also bills.
WUJANTO babes’ kisser kisses.
China fiats are laws are bad.
Order 23 is much is sad.
Laws as loss are boats to miss.
Equal laws are something good.
Hide your rear as some are dirt.
Donald Tsang will catch his gifts.
Newer worlds have nabob moods.
Donald Tsang has brother’s charge.
Worlds that new has global feels
Candy arms are worlds that new
Riches will sing the global arches.
Charged our cop. is worlds are notes.
Bills and notes are news and gifts.
Worlds of riches are worlds that new.
New world syndicates all have mocks.
Charges are deals are ways of gifts.
Nabob days will feed them milks.
Like the, lottery all are cues.
Faces to faces their ways are lifted.
----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3-----------
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