By cheung shun sang
- 397 reads
Gangs to go and comes to mend.
Mend your fences but come to ends.
Come to mend your ways are fine.
China croppers all were timed.
Come across your ways are minds.
Double binds are makes and binds
Double binds are laws or fights.
Hear to voices are music gigs.
Songs of Taiwan come to ears.
Come to drink a cup of teas.
Gild your colors come as gold.
Golden ear are some that told.
Taiwan honor Taiwan lands.
Bunkers golf has traps of sands.
Courses of golf are sands are grounds.
Like our ways are paths are rounds.
Lands protections all have lucks.
Omens lucks are good to tuck.
Hide you lights is Uncle Sam.
Pixel dense is draws in grams.
Hide our lucks are good in tucks.
Touch and go are better lucks.
Lands protections those are gods.
Fall as winds our china gone.
Cropper china come and fall.
Fight you best but there are laws.
China over lords has more.
Trauma minds are more are sores.
Taiwan boasts and blows their horns.
Mew and Mew are cats and Tom.
Protections needs are come with lucks.
Faiths that come will go and touch.
----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3--------
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