A Twist of Fate
By rl murdoch
- 609 reads
A Twist Of Fate
A simple thing like a twist of fate, what does that mean?
During the attack on Pearl Harbor Dec. 7th, 1941, the Japanese could have changed the outcome of the entire war simply by dropping a bomb on our oil reserves as they flew over them on their way to attack the ships in the harbor. They thought that America had so much oil that it would not make any difference, so why waste a bomb. In truth the oil reserves they flew over happened to be the fuel supply for the entire Pacific fleet. It would have taken us months, if not years to rebuild, and re-supply the fuel station all the time the Japanese navy would have control of the Pacific Ocean.
When president John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, the forecast had been for light rain, but that was changed to sunny with blue skies prompting the president to tell his security service not to install the bullet proof bubble on his car. Who knows what things would be like today had he survived.
Sept. 1969 I was discharged from the Air Force. I decided that after looking for years for the right girl, I was going to just find someone that I was not serious about, that I might date for a while and just have fun. That is when I met Carol, a very nice looking girl that made me laugh, but not the one I wanted to live with the rest of my life.
My friend Pete who was in the Air Force with me decided to stay in the Chicago area after he was discharged, so we shared an apartment that we rented from my Mom and Dad. After I met Carol, Pete started dating her girl friend Maureen. A few weeks later I had a phone call from Carol saying she wanted to come over Sat with Maureen, so the four of us could go out. I told her that Pete and I were painting the apartment Sat, and I did not think it was a good idea.
Sat. evening Carol and Maureen came over dressed to go out for the evening, and I was really upset. Pete did not know I had told Carol not to come, and told Maureen it was ok. I did not want to stop painting and clean up, or want to rush while the girls were waiting for us to finish, so I told Carol to go home. She was really upset because Pete let Maureen stay and they went out later while I finished painting.
During the week I called Carol at work to see if she was still angry, or wanted to go out Sat. The girl that answered the phone sounded young and very nice, so I asked Carol who it was that had answered the phone? She said it was a Chinese girl she worked with. Half joking I said not to bring her around me because I like Asia women.
I had just come back from a year in Thailand, and I did find Asian women very attractive. She laughed, and said she was busy Sat because she and some girls from work were going to Rush Street to some of the dance clubs. I told her ok I will finish my painting Sat.
Sat. night I was in the middle of painting when there was a knock on the back door. I opened the door to see Carol and someone else behind her. I asked them to come in, and Carol introduced me to her friend May from work. This was the girl who had answered the phone when I called.
Carol probably noticed the look on my face when I saw how beautiful May looked, and how I offered May the only chair available, while Carol and I went in the other room to talk. Carol asked me how did I like her? I was a little cautious thinking Carol was up to something, and I said she seemed very nice. Carol asked me do you want to go out with her? I asked her what do you mean still a little apprehensive? She reassured me it was ok, and I said yes I would like to take her out, so Carol told me she would talk to her, and for me to call May at work.
What I did not know was after they left Carol talked to May about me, and asked what she thought of me? May did not say much until Carol said she wanted May to go out with me. May said he is your boyfriend, but Carol insisted she go out with me just one time and dump me because she was mad at me. May said she would not do something like that, so Carol said go out with him anyway, because I am going to stop dating him, but May was not sure.
I called May and through a lot of persuasive conversation convinced her to go out with me, telling her I was not serious about Carol, and we were only friends. A week later May change jobs, and I stopped seeing Carol. I now have been married to May for 38 years.
If not for that Simple Twist Of Fate. If May had not answered that phone, I would never have met my beautiful wife, and went on to have four of the greatest children in the world.
Robert L. Murdoch
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