Dwellers of the New World Chapter Four ( Pt 1 )
By skinner_jennifer
- 2552 reads
The forest at this time of year was a gloomy place to be after nightfall. Apart from the trees rustling in the wind, all was quiet and still. It seemed that darkness had come early that day, because of the bad weather.
Through an opening on to a wide path, stood a young lad with a child tied and gagged, the youngster struggled, trying to scream, but to no avail. The lad held him tight, he was a lot stronger than he looked. Suddenly along the path came another boy, driving a horse and a covered cart.
“You managed to capture another kid then?” said the lad pulling on the reigns.
“Yeah! He's certainly a lively one. I think Pa will be well pleased.”
The boy driving, got down from the cart and walked around to his mate. “Quick get him in the cart with the others, we need to be away.”
Though the lad struggled, he could not break free from the binds, the gag was cutting into his mouth, he was panicking, the sweat dripped from his forehead, although he was freezing.
“You sure you weren't followed?” the driver said lifting the child into the cart, then wiping his wet nose on his sleeve.
The other lad tied the child's ankles together, so he could not escape. “There were no one following brother...I'm sure of that. Probably too frightened to go roaming through the forest in the dark.” The two lads laughed.
The child lay crying in the darkness of the cover, he could feel the other bodies around him and wondered what his fate would be.
Climbing back up on the cart, they rode away into the night. It would be a long journey South, they needed to put distance between them and the forest.
The Northern chill crept across Hollow Coombe valley. The sun was peeping through the clouds, releasing shadows that drifted across the steep hills.
Two figures stood at the top of the ridge way, staring down into the valley below. This was to be there stop off, before continuing on their journey South. Flying through the air, was their companion, ever faithful, never straying too far.
Brad and Simon had been walking for two days, it felt strange to be on foot, not having the horses or a cart, made life very difficult for father and son.
Leading off of the ridge way, was a path which was meandering down into the valley. Brad and Simon stared in amazement at the crowds down below. There was a huge gathering, of not only people, but animals too.
The boy wanted to run down the path, he was excited, he'd never seen anything like this before, but Brad wouldn't let him, telling him to not run off.
It didn't take them long to reach the vale below. People were selling their wares, bartering and catching up with the latest gossip.
Brad was restless, he had an overwhelming feeling of protecting his son. He took Simon's hand. “Stay close to me son...don't go off...it's easy to get lost in amongst all these people.”
Individuals lay there wares on the ground, or in carts. There were tools made of wood, spears had been sharpened to a point, with carvings along their edges. There were beautifully carved wooden stools and tables, with designs that Brad thought were incredible. Wooden dolls with painted faces and pegs adorned a deer skin, a woman had placed on the ground. A man and a woman, were selling different skins, which were placed on some rocks, they had already been oiled and were ready to be bartered for food. Herbs hung from trees, tied up with skin, already for the pot, while eggs, vegetables and sweet juicy apples adorned a wooden cart.
One man was bartering horses. Ben would have jumped at the chance of claiming two tame stallions, but the only thing he had, were the crystals he had collected, the man had told him it was not enough, that crystals were useless to him.
There were also wooden instruments, penny whistles and flutes. “Can I have a penny whistle Father?” said Simon, staring eagerly at what had caught his eye.
“Sorry son, we have nothing to barter for a penny whistle, but if I find a decent piece of wood, I will definitely make you one.”
A story teller caught Simon's eye. “Father...father! Please can I go and listen to the story?” the boy pulled on his fathers hand.
“Okay...but stay there and don't move.” Brad stood by the instruments, he kept his eyes on some men, that were standing around, while Simon went to sit with a group of children, who were attentive to a storyteller, who was acting out the story he was telling, as he went along.
Brad was worried, he thought the men seemed to be waiting for something to happen. They had wooden tankards and were drinking what he assumed to be alcoholic beverages.
One of the men had eyed Brad was staring at them, quickly Brad looked away picking up a wooden flute and pretending to admire it. When he looked back, the man had gone, then all of a sudden there was a tap on his shoulder. Brad turned around thinking it was Simon, but it was the man he had been watching.
“Hey! What you staring at?” the man spoke in a gruff voice.
Brad thought it best not to be rude, so he just apologised saying, “I wasn't staring, you've got the wrong idea.” He could tell the man had been drinking.
The stranger wasn't about to give up on Brad. “So you look like a man who's in need of work and a place to live...am I right?”
“No!” said Brad, wishing the man would go away. “Me and my son are just passing through, we just stopped to look at some of the wares, and take a break.”
“So which way you travelling?” asked the stranger, taking another gulp of his drink.
Brad thought this man's breath smelt putrid, like rotten eggs, he wanted to get away. Staring over at Simon, who was laughing at the storyteller, he was glad the boy wasn't there to witness this episode.
Hoping the man would go away if he explained, he started to speak. “We're going South, down to the great oceans, I want to show my son, he's never seen the ocean before.”
“Ah!” said the stranger, “we have come from the South, in search of workers.”
“Oh!” replied Brad, “what kind of workers?”
“Just working and tilling the land, it's hard work, but you get your own piece of land, where you can build your own dwelling. Are you any good with wood? Because we have plenty of it to build with. So what do you think?”
Brad had no intention of taking this man up on his offer. He didn't trust him. “Like I said...we're just passing through, we'll be okay finding our own way thanks.”
The man turned and walked away, looking back saying, “hey! It's your loss mate, but if you change your mind, we're leaving tomorrow at first light.”
Brad felt concerned as the stranger walked back to the other men. He noticed they started to talk and look at him, causing him to feel nervous.
Looking back at Simon, he decided it was time for them to move on. Brad now wished he'd not been so open with the stranger, he felt he'd told him too much, but the damage was done. When Brad looked over at his son again, Tawny was sat on Simon's shoulder, the children were now interested in the owl that seemed so friendly. Brad walked over to his son, he knew the boy wouldn't want to leave, but there was nothing for it, if they didn't go now, they could be in danger, the men still watched him, which made Brad angry, but he knew they wouldn't attempt anything with so many people around.
“Simon...come on, we have to make a move.” The boy was adamant that he wanted to hear the end of the story.
“Okay son...but as soon as it's over, we're going...okay?”
“Yeah okay,” The boy crossed his legs once again, listening intently.
Brad sat down on the ground next to his son, feeling safer knowing he was with him.
As the storyteller finished, Simon and Brad got up to leave, wondering where they might end up sleeping that night. The men were deep in conversation, it seemed they were no longer interested in him, It also looked like a storm was brewing too, so they would need to find shelter soon.
They walked back up the path, onto the ridge way again, Brad kept looking behind him, all seemed okay. They were now out in the open, there didn't seem to be anyone following them. He decided they would need to find a cave, or at least an opening in a rock face, that could be covered with branches.
Soon they left the openness of the ridge way, they found themselves back near the river. Staying close,they followed the river South, when out of the blue, Tawny flew down landing on Brad's shoulder, this usually meant he wanted Brad to follow him.
The bird made a hooting sound, then flew off again into a nearby tree. As the man and boy followed in the owls direction, they noticed that close to the tree, was an opening in a rock face, this would be just big enough for the two of them to shelter the night. “Why thank you Tawny, where would we be without you my friend?”
The bird hooted once again, then hung around in the tree, watching them.
“Simon...you collect some large branches for cover, also some twigs for the fire, while I go down to the river, see if I can catch some fish.”
Brad found a stiff branch and sharpened it into a point with his flint. Once undressed, he made his way down into the river, the water was freezing, it chilled him to the bone. Diving under, the fish were plentiful and it did not take long for him to spear a couple.
Once caught, he made his way back up the bank, feeling his muscles tense with the cold, he shivered, needing the warmth of a fire, but he knew it would take a while to get one going. He hoped Simon had managed to collect enough branches and twigs. Picking up his clothing he got dressed, his clothes clung to his wet body, Brad shivered and ran up the bank.
When he arrived back at the camp, Simon had already started a fire. Brad was greatly relieved and proud of his son, he thought they made a great team. He quickly undressed again, hanging his clothes over some twigs near the fire to dry. Naked he made a spit and placed the fish over the hot embers.
Once Brad's clothes had dried and the fish was cooked, they sat eating their meal, which took away their hunger. They were lucky, it didn't start to rain until they had cooked the fish. The fire had all but washed away, even the embers were a soggy mass of ashes.
The branches covered the gap to the opening, the man and child huddled together in the small space, as the rain came down, then thunder and lightening boomed and crashed across the sky.
Brad knew they would have to be on their guard, now that he had exposed them to the stranger. But tomorrow was another day, and for now they must sleep conserving their energy for the long walk ahead.
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Oh dear could be trouble
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This was an amazing chapter,
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Sinister. You range from
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Hello Jenny, Because of the
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Nicely done
A very neat clear picture with possible threat lingering nearby. While others enjoy their life father and son have bigger fish to fry, pun intended.
One of my favorite childhood memories was my grandaddy carving a whitle for me. I was six and his was sixty, thank you for bringing that back, a lovely father and son episode, great job Ray
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