A Garden of Secrets ( Part One )
By skinner_jennifer
- 1505 reads
Creeping, crawling into
every nook and cranny,
the narrow opening in the wall
steeped in Ivy...
no light able to filter through,
strange shapes doth appear
before my very eyes,
gazing knowingly...I spy
cobwebs pushing their way
through the darkness,
creatures that never
see the light of day...
even in Summer,
a spider crawls out along a leaf,
only to scurry off back
into the safety of
its dark dwelling place,
I hear a Crow squawking
high up in a tree...
as I push my way through
the tangle of growth,
overflowing with enthusiasm...
I discover a secret garden
that is thriving with wildlife,
'how long had this place been here?'
I ask myself,
cracking twigs...brambles with sharp thorns
were in evidence,
as I pushed my way through
the wild tangle of nature,
I spy a stone statue...
it was covered in moss,
a statue of a young woman
a maiden perhaps,
It was evident she'd been there
a very long time,
maybe a guardian of this
place so fine,
but she was in need of care and attention,
so I decided there and then...
that this garden
I would bring back to life again.
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This is lovely, Jenny. One
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I really like the garden you
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