A view from my kitchen window
By skinner_jennifer
- 4754 reads
I was just looking out of my kitchen window, while
washing up, when I saw one of the beautiful brown
foxes, just laying on our lawn. It is so peaceful
and calm. As I wash up, he pricks his ears up, he
is listening for all the sounds around him, I hear
only the wind and the cooing sounds of the pigeons,
he hears much more, infact he looks my way but then
realises there is no fear and goes back to resting.
I wonder where his mate is, perhaps out hunting,
normally they are together, but not today it seems.
With the sun shining down as he lays on the wet
grass, he scratches himself under his chin, then
lays his head down again, as if he hasn't got a
care in the world.
Suddenly the neighbours cat jumps over our wall,
suddenly seeing Mr Fox I thought the cat would
run away, but fox doesn't even flinch, and so the
cat just saunters off into the bushes. Even the
birds are not bothered by fox, as they continue to
bathe in the bird bath, and peck at the nuts in the
bird feeder.
I feel so lucky to beable to experience this
beauty of nature everyday, it moves me so tears
start to well up in my eyes. Then I just had to
write it down and send it to ABC Tales.
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Sounds like a lovely moment,
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Nice piece Jenny. Very
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I generally type everything
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Well done jenny, a nice
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nabours (neighbours) Don't
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this is a well-observed
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A lovely experience Jenny.
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