Warrior at Warpspeed - Part 1
By well-wisher
- 459 reads
"Why won't you leave me alone, old man", said Raider slumping down onto the green couch in the dwelling of Zophos, the man who had been hounding him ever since they'd bumped into each other in the market place that morning.
"Because what I told you is true; as true as time. I am a Druon, a priest of the old religion and I know a Warp Warrior when I see one", said Zophos, standing over by the doorway, with urgency in his voice, "You are the one that the legends prophesy, I'm sure of it. The one who will deliver us and if you would only let me present you to the Druon council, I'm sure..."
"Zophos. How may times do I have to tell you", said Raider, exasperated, "It isn't true. It can't be true. I do not possess any special power or skill. I am not a super warrior. I'm a nobody; a nothing; a loser. A simple technosmiths son. I couldn't even pass the sacred test of manhood that every boy in my village passed".
"You didn't pass the Summarush?", asked Zophos, interested.
"No. I was too afraid", said Raider, "None of the other boys were afraid but I was. I took the psychedelic herb, just as the other boys did and went into the sacred cave but when I saw the monsters of the mind I screamed and ran away. I'm a coward not a hero".
"There is nothing wrong with fear, young Raider. Those who don't possess it are fools because they rush into danger while those who learn to face their fears become strong aswell as wise", said Zophos.
"That may be true", said Raider, "But what I know is true for certain is that I am no hero. No real hero would have failed their Summarush".
Zophos sat down on the couch next to the boy and placed a hand upon his shoulder.
"Raider, manhood is not proven in some foolish ritual but in how we face our life", said the old man, "If you did not pass the test it is because it is a test for lesser men and you have a much greater test ahead of you".
Raider was about to roll his eyes but then, instead, glancing over at the door of the room he noticed it was starting to glow bright red like metal in his fathers furnace, then white and then, suddenly, smoke rising from it, he saw it crumble into a pile of disintegrated ashes on the dwelling floor while, behind it, was revealed a Varlak; one of the ant faced robotic footsoldiers of the Dictatrix, standing holding the star rifle that had atomized it.
"Raider Starson?", asked the Varlak in a flat, buzzing robotic voice.
"What do you want?", said Raider, fearfully, "I've done nothing".
"I have orders from Vorgia, the Dictatrix, herself to kill Raider Starson", said the Robot, raising its rifle and pointing it at Raiders head, "If you are he then prepare to be obliterated".
But then, before Raider could do anything, the Varlak fired a beam of starfire towards him.
"What is happening", thought Raider as the whole universe slowed down and the beam of starfire froze in mid-air, "First this crazy old man tells me I'm a hero and then a footsoldier of the Dictatrix blasts his way into my appartment and fires his star-rifle at me and why has everything slowed down?".
But then, realising the danger he was in; seeing the beam of starfire slowly stretching towards his head, Raider ducked out of its path and, as he did, time jerked back to its normal speed, the beam of starfire burning a blazing hole in the back of the couch where he had just been sitting.
"Cease and deactivate!", said Zophos, standing up and raising his hand.
As if it had heard a command from Vorgia herself, the robot lowered it starrifle and then the glowing red light in its bug eyes grew dim.
"What just happened?", asked Raider, astonished, "How did you make the Varlak stop like that?".
"Forgive me", said Zophos, sighing, "I had to prove it to you that you are a warrior".
"You mean you had something to do with that? You mean you programmed that robot to come in here and try to kill me?", asked Raider, shocked as the truth dawned upon him.
"Yes but look what happened", said Zophos, "You slowed down time. You stopped a beam of Starfire in its tracks. Who but a Warp Warrior could have done that; warp the fabric of space and time with his mind just the way warriors of our ancient times would warp time in battle allowing them to slay several enemies at once? You have the power, Raider, you must see that now. You are a Warp Warrior".
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