By YaseminB
- 346 reads
Time's loom!
Spinning our lives into different clothes
We are walking on the thin line continuum
Some of us fight for our daily bread
Some of us live the life of Riley.
Blood and sweat
Won't fortune carve no more!
Talents and skills are worthless
In the generation selfie!
A pert bottom and a pout
Fortune spin for some.
Politicians their own pockets line!
Blood spilt make crimson rivers
In Syria and Jerusalem!
Hunger churns stomachs in Cameroon and Sierra Leone.
Blood diamonds are mined;
The corrupts’ pockets lined in these very lands.
Topless models's backs baked
against the sun on luxury yaths.
Time's loom
Why do you spin some lives into clothes of blood?
Time's loom
We all want lives of silk smooth!
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