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I have 186 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 502021 times and 11 of my stories have been cherry picked.
5 of my 3,155 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 5 votes

Cavalcader's picture

My stories

"The Summer Bus"

"You never know who! is watching you out the bus windows. "Scooby Doo" I want to be like you!. Disney characters I blended in.

"The Mangle Mess" Some 0f Life's Experiences now updated.

"Cinderella" never went to the ball?** but how lucky late in life to have hired beautiful wig ballgown and parasol,umm late mum's 80th hired fancy dress. Dreams come true! Updated now and added.

The Replica Wedding Dress!

Do we ever get what we really want in life! and when we do let it go.What was the point of keeping it someone look beautiful in it even if it had to be altered? Give something away to-day.Feel good

"My First Flight"

Don't stand on tip-toes use a parachute? I will never fly now?

Not All Spider's Have a Web IP

"The spider's web was spun don't get caught in it? but does work for hiccups?
