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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 456010 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories

Shenzhou 9

remember when JFK wanted to show the Soviets just how big our dick was before the end of the 60’s by shooting our load deep into space, so as to be the first to ever land a man on the moon?

the standard candle

s/he thought that s/he was something, growing up in a small town--- biggest fish, hottest thing running & everybody wanted a piece of him/her, but when s/he got bored of

breaking ranks

oh, how they do not like it when you throw in the towel for their side (exhausted by the infernal beating of one’s head against the wall) & you join the adversary---

the debriefing

a.”please state your name & rank for the record.” b.”private first class xxxxx xxxxxx, sir.” a.”are you aware of why you’re here, private?” b.”no, sir.”
