"GREEN EYES" Updated now.Updated now August 1st 2014 .
By Cavalcader
- 11049 reads
There is a lovely black cat up our road with a beautiful shiny coat I call him by his name "Jazz and he runs down and cries rolls over in the sun. His lovely green eyes shining at me as I stroke and talk to him He loves to sit on top the cars to keep warm in the winter everyone adores this cat. Will then jump down of the wall into our garden Sits on an old table and watches me hang out the washing This cat is special therapy to all passing by as young and old children to Bend low and talk to him! Forgetting their worries and troubles just for a minute and off they all go ***Now added 2011 Now central heatings all in Updated from here *** Jazz loves to come in gets up on hubby's lap he never liked cats they are both asleep I take a quick snap Ray has taken to Jazz suddenly Green Eyes has got on the table Layed out flat his bottom on the computer messed up all my letters Maybe he is trying Abc keys Or going to be a computer king Now he has hung over the edge of the table With his claws stuck in the cloth Oh! dear I laugh and laugh But the email just gone off to the Editor (Tony) Cook when I read it sure it was gobble-de-gook If I call Jazz to sit on the wall he says "Miaow Miaow! one cry for hello! two for yes and he did To take a snap smelling the golden daffodils I would love to see the cat Jazz get the cherry!cherry! for his owner not a frog Now the owner has said ok! quick. so I can read again and knows Jazz is a special cat but both growing old yep;I am an O.A.P just having a go! Especially by my side my hero "Jazz" not just a cat two black eyes from a shop fall but came back every day. all comments please A wonderful email from Editor t.cook(Tony Now quick yes, from the owner ok! to read again? all comments please! Thankyou to t.Cook Editor of AbcTales Tony and all the team. If Tony or anyone can help with a punctuation,here and there, be very pleased. this I read out at Brighton's Got Talent on Saturday Feb:20th 2010. one of the judges said "Did I write it" "yes" I said" the judge said he liked it very much, I mentioned Abctales. But judge said shame I hadn't learnt words but one couldn't as now as I have done so many on here over 90 miracle for me in a year nearly. With no punctuation. this was first put on June New then, 2009 I would love to see the cat "Jazz". Get the cherry! Not the frog, for his proud owner? I already have plastic oscar,cat mask and tail plus on screen group writing groups. etc: But not a cherry! and many thanks Edited John Wilks and Editor T.cook (Tony) As I discussed with owner copy of my poem before and asked permission from the owner now to do. he would know as always "Jazz" is a special cat to all if not well or out,he peeps around the corner Uni; now proved in paper that cat's miaows like a baby. mean different things. cos; growing older like me Need all punctuation please! How do I re;put on without loosing previous number of readings? and looks so ugly now Headings bunged all up.? How do I get this poem,to show up as a recent updated so one can read it now currently,without loosing readings,marvelous number carry on as a count.Please. I see it. okay Editor t.cook (Tony) Mentioned in Magazine 23 if not will delete if not okay. Today May 2nd May 2013. To The Editor t.cook (Tony) Up dated. first published. Mean it in nice way possible haven't quite read yes,it is good but their's Titled 'Green Eyes' too. Can someone else use same name or Title as I have done,poem 'Green Eyes' as you know back,used come up in print any poem title been used. Can't have to,had to change! On another poem then. One I chose once. Title not this one I am sure other 'Green Eyes' one is good! Yes have read. But can they use another writer's Title,I typed in once came up, THIS IS Used by someone else already. what is correctness on Titles please! I just like to know! Thank-you,but titles may have be different as happened to me once on another poem. 'Green Eyes' published fantastic AbcTales magazine. And paper! Is it allowed to use another one's Title now as Two 'Green Eyes'. Mine was when first started 2009. What! is the correct procedure. Can't use Forum. No jealousy. I can assure you.
Now added onto please read November 23rd 2013 'Look Into his eyes'.
News Updated july 30th. Sadly Green Eyes Died May 3oth 2014.
Most wonderful love,hero cat most readings ever,we there and few so many knew and loved him 'Jazz'
always here my hero and me bit to him..
Never been Crowned yet!
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What a clear, warm voice you
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Yes, Green Eyes is a nice
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Keep writing, you have eyes
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Richard L. Provencher
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How well you've captured
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Jazz is a good name for a
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Jealousy is an ugly thing
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All the best! I enjoy
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Very simply and sweet and
Jacky Nealy
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new Calcabaderl True and
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When you take a photo with a
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Green eyes is not my story.
Jacky Nealy
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My guess is it's the
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