Hawthorn Realm Chapter One
By Wes
- 849 reads
The Hawthorne Realm
Chapter One
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
"Would you kindly inform me as to why you feel it necessary to tour the gardens in the wee hours of the morning Professor Maudlin?" The Chancellor peered over his gold rimmed spectacles while he drummed his fingers on the richly carved Mahogany desk.
"Well Chancellor, the man seated across from him, hands folded onto his lap, shifted position. His sea green eyes focused on the bespectacled Chancellors blue.
"In my defense I'm afraid I have no good reason, other than to say I was not tired and decided to get some air. I thought... he paused. I thought I heard music coming from the gardens so I decided to give it a look see."
The Chancellor shuffled some papers on his desk. "Professor this is by no means easy for me. You are considered a valued member of this establishment. Your accomplishments in Academics with the students here is nothing short of amazing." He paused before continuing.
"That being said however your eccentricities as of late. Most notably your eclectic lesson plans, midnight walks and fascination with the Feadh-Ree, are getting rather...shall we say out of hand? I think we have been more then generous in entertaining your flights of the imagination. But the last few months...he shook his head. Some of your contemporaries and dare I say some of your students are concerned that your passions are overtaking your, he lowered his voice rationale."
The Professor smoothed his dirty Blonde hair with his fingers before answering. A hint of a smile played across his lips. "With all due respect Chancellor neither you nor anyone else on this staff for that matter knows what you're talking about. The Sidhe. The Feadh-Ree, the wee folk as they prefer to be called. They are real. As real as this desk. He pounded it twice with a closed fist. As real as this room. They are as real as your own perception of reality will allow. He leaned forward. Narrow that perspective and you live in ignorance of that which surrounds you."
The Chancellor pushed his glasses higher up on his nose. The high back leather chair squeaked as he shifted his weight. He placed his hands on the desk and interlaced his fingers. Except for those oddly colored green eyes the man looked normal. But then again he had no experience with how an eccentric middle aged professor should look?
He watched as Professor Maudlin mimicked his action and sat back in his own chair.
The Chancellor cleared his throat "Professor Maudlin I have to be frank, the regent has called for a meeting of the board to discuss your future at this institution.
He sighed "Above all else this is a business, and unfortunately businesses sometimes have to make hard decisions. For the good of everyone overall. You do understand?"
Professor Maudlin nodded "Oh I do understand Chancellor. I'll tender my resignation by the end of the day if that will make things easier."
"That won't be necessary professor. The board won't be meeting until after the Holidays. Most likely the second week in January. Perhaps by then the air will have cleared and things won't appear so dismal. On your way out would you be so kind as to ask Mrs. Farnsworth to come in."
The professor stood. "Not to worry sir. He stared down at the Chancellor who had remained seated. As you say; Perhaps by then the air will have cleared and things won't appear so dismal. Not exactly an axiom is it? Personally I prefer, Expect the unexpected. Or Expect nothing and you'll never be disappointed. That last is one of my favorites. He turned towards the door.
The Chancellor stood "Professor Maudlin."
"Yes Chancellor."
"Just a suggestion mind you. But until the board meets it might serve you well to, fly under the radar as they say."
The professor opened the door then smirked as he turned to look at the Chancellor. "Who's they? I'm sorry sir but I can't make any promises. The Samhain Holiday begins at sundown on October 31st. Can't miss that. And then...well lets just say there's so much in between. However I will try to exercise due diligence and heed your advice." The door closed and he was gone.
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Wes, I hate to be the first
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