Hawthorn Realm Chapter Three
By Wes
- 1343 reads
Hawthorn Realm
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Chapter Three
Word Count 769
"Miss Synan this, Miss Synan that. " The pretty brunette pushed her way through her dormitory room door, gave it a backwards kick, then dumped an armload of books onto her bed. Her roommate, one year her senior, busily scribbling on a notepad at her desk, asked without looking up. "Profess Maudlin by any chance?"
"The man is infuriating. "I swear he picks on me on purpose hoping I'll trip up."
One of the heavily bound books she had dropped onto her bed slid to the floor, followed by a second. She caught the third and kicked out at the second, missed and sighed in frustration. She bounced on the bed.
“I swear he's a demon that one! There's no other logical explanation. Horrible man." As she sighed heavily and folded her arms across her chest, another book hit the floor.
"Arianwyn Synan." her roommate scolded, "If you could just hear yourself right now."
She put down her pen and turned in her chair until it faced into the room. "Professor Maudlin has his ways, but he is one of the finest teachers this institution has ever had. That you’re in his class at all speaks volumes about you."
"But he's...."
"Stop right there. If you persist in sitting there whining like an adolescent child then I may as well return to my work. I am not your mum nor your dad, and I refuse to waste my time attempting to placate you."
Arianwyn broke the brief silence during which both girls stared at each other without speaking. "I'm sorry Efa, I don't why I get so tetchy sometimes."
"It’s ok, Arianwyn. I understand, really I do. It’s a matter of perspective; everyone needs to let off a little steam now and then. You'd probably go mad if you didn't. By the way what's up with all the books?"
Arianwyn stood-stretched, then bent down to pick the fallen books. "Just a little research. I stopped by the library earlier to umm...well to..."
"See if one Master Robert O'Donnell was working." Efa grinned as she finished Arianwyn's sentence.
Arianwyn felt her face flush. She turned and grabbed the accent pillow off her bed. As her hand closed around it, she felt the pendant Gran had sent her tingle under her top. Without another thought she whirled, and in one smooth motion sent the pillow rocketing towards Efa.
Equally fast Efa was on her feet and away from the chair when the pillow hit. There was an echoing thump as it connected with the back of the heavy chair which first somersaulted, then righting itself, slid backwards, slamming with astonishing force into
the old Oak desk.
To amazed to move, Arianwyn stared at the chair. Her roommate on the other hand laughed merrily. "Nice one," She said picking up the pillow, “Also improbable and impossible. You just bowled over a 60 pound chair with a throw pillow." "It’s still warm." She pressed it against her cheek.
"Warm?" Arianwyn asked
"Warm." came the reply. Efa walked towards Arianwyn whispering softly under her breath. Then asked in a normal voice "Ari are you wearing anything different today? Something new maybe?"
As her head cleared, Arianwyn took her eyes off of the chair, then bent down and picked up the last of the books from the floor. She tossed it onto the bed then shook her head. "No. Unless you count the pendant my Gran sent me. It arrived two days ago."
"Could I see it?"
"Of course!” Arianwyn replied excitedly. "I've been wanting to show it to you, but we keep missing each other." She looked ruefully back at the chair. "Good thing too, the missing I mean. If that pillow had hit, you'd be in traction right about now."
"Not to worry." Remarked Efa sotto voice.
As Arianwyn removed the ornately carved pendant from underneath her blouse. Efa held out her hand
“May I?"
Arianwyn handed her the pendant.
As she ran her thumb around the pendants edges, Efa whispered softly "I've never seen anything like this. The carvings, they're..." With a sudden sharp intake of breath she handed the pendant back to Arianwyn and grabbed her hand.
"We need to go. Follow me!" she said dragging a startled Arianwyn towards the door.
"What's wrong?" Arianwyn asked, stumbling forward. "What's gotten into you?"
Efa opened the door and headed out, Arianwyn still in tow.
"You're acting like a mad hatter Efa. "What's gotten into you? and where are we going?"
Face flushed Efa gave her a small smile then replied, "To see Professor Maudlin."
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You know what I was thinking
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It takes time, Wes. The best
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Wes. No doubt you will see
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