Like What We Was

By Bee
- 11403 reads
We feared change
but found just sameness.
No wings sprouted
or extra limbs hinged
on insect joints pointing
accusations in all directions.
No newfound pleasantness,
or particular ugliness,
bugged us - it was just we
with a sense of minus about
us, nonetheless
us, as we always was.
The same - ish...
ish, yes, same, only -
diminished, all.
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Delicate, fine and incisive
Delicate, fine and incisive as a bug's mandibles.
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seems like a sense of
seems like a sense of anticlimax when facing the mundane wearying routines and irritations again, looking for 'the excitement of all problems solved' feel. I do find reading scripture and good notes to guide in that can help my own feelings, prayers, and relationship work. Rhiannon
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Full of the wisdom of
Full of the wisdom of experience. 'ish' is a wonderful suffix, a word in its own right.
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Hi Bee
Hi Bee
I think I got that it was about your acceptance of things turning out not to be as bad as anticipated. You do have such a gift with words.
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I agree with you so much
I agree with you so much about that 'ish' word Bee, it certainly made this poem, and it should definitely be in the dictionary. It's one of those words sorely neglected, after all when we sneeze, what is an 'Atishoo!' without the 'ish'??
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You sum up my thoughts
You sum up my thoughts precisely in this poem Bee. I'm a worrier...always have been, but will remember your poem next time I get a niggling thought about a situation that seems really traumatic.
Many thanks for sharing.
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Wow, this is simple but
Wow, this is simple but affecting. The sense of ambiguity is painful.
"with a sense of minus about us". I really like that phrase!!
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Acceptance of
Acceptance of anticipations and all we create within ourselves
Acceptance of outcomes and the relief and release of all that silent, or not so silent struggle
which filled the before
Acceptance of..."is that all it was"...."is that all it is"
Expressed beautifully in this piece. MarciaMarcia
I can't find "The Walker" now
Permalink Submitted by MarciaMarcia on Mon, 2016-02-01 15:52
* I was so very moved by your poem "The Walker"....that I could only comment with a poem ....back to you....inspired by your words.
Was this OK with you ? I've done this in response to "Lavadis" submissions.
I happily see, that you continue to post your stories and poems. I interpret this as a sign of your recovering energy, which continues to fuel your spirited words, within your sharing with us, all that becomes......"Bee's Journey" Bravo !!!!!
Thank You......MarciaMarcia
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Picture Credit:http://tinyurl
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glad you like it bee! Going
glad you like it bee! Going up on social media a bit later this morning
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Goodness Bee, you are good
Goodness Bee, you are good with words and form too. I do so hope from this poem that things were not as bad as you thought they would be. Though they seemed pretty bad to me and your courage was inspiring.
Always in my thoughts,
Moya x
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