
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 2415 reads
I was sitting in my car, outside a care home, for older people, my window was down as it was warm, I watched as a man from a well-known large store, came up to the front door and looked at the numbers. He looked a while, then he pressed some buttons. A woman answered, “Hello can I help you?” He said, “I have a food delivery for number forty,” He said, “We are now not allowed to come into the building, please can you come to the door and get it from me?” She said, I am not actually in the building, I’m based fifty miles away.” The Woman said, “Can’t you just put it inside the building?” He replied, “No we are not allowed to anymore because of the virus.” The Woman said, “Well I’m sorry, I can’t help you.” He said, “I have a food delivery, do you want me to take it back?” My Husband and I was listening to the whole conversation, then he turned to me and said, “Shall I take it in to them?” I said, “If you want to.” So, while the Delivery Driver was still talking to the Woman, Paul went over to him the short distance and said, “I will take the shopping up to number forty.” The Driver told the Woman on the line and she said, “OK.”
I got out and locked the car as it was far too much for Paul to carry on his own, the driver said to us, “Thank you so much,” And left. We had our own key to get into the building as my Brother lives there. We didn’t know who was in flat forty as we don’t know all the people that live there. We knocked on the door and Lovely Mary in a wheel chair came to the door.
We went into her flat and she told us where to put it, she said, “I could see the delivery shop van from my window and was waiting for him to ring my door bell, but he didn’t,” I told her, “He spoke to someone fifty miles away.” Mary said, “I wonder why he didn’t phone me on my mobile,” We told her it was madness that he wasn’t now allowed to come into the building,” And added, “Maybe he was new, and pressed the wrong button, instead of your number forty.
We chatted for a while, and even said to Mary, “We could have been anybody!” We could have taken you shopping and gone home.”
After about ten minutes we left. It was lovely to see how she had done her flat out, compared to my Brothers. He didn’t want any pictures or clocks on the walls.
That was our good deed for the day, and it was a pleasure.
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Interesting anecdote! You
Interesting anecdote! You were well rewarded for your caring assistance it seems. Well done!
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That was a lovely gesture
That was a lovely gesture Grace. I notice you've put a picture on this piece. Could you please confirm it's copyright free?
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Thank you Grace. For the
Thank you Grace. For the future, if you look for an image which says it has a creative commons licence, or it's copyright free,, then it's fine to use. We love it when people put images on their work, but they must be free to use (eg not have a copyright symbol) - otherwise we get fined, and we can't afford it! I find the best place to look for images is flckr, but other people prefer google images. With both sites you can specifiy that you only want to see copyright free choices
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A little advice
hello, thanks for your kind story. For better reading I suggest putting the dialogue into separate lines/paragraphs for different speakers. This will make it much easier to read.
All the best!
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