Just writing whatever pops into my mind.
By Venus red
- 490 reads
Where to start?
Just write. Just write whatever words pop into your head. You can always come back & tweak what you wrote. Remove the parts that make you look like a crazy demented mad lady...Um! Or. Why not leave those parts in. After all they are your inner thoughts...
I am aiming to let go of certain things in the past. Hang onto the good, the happy, positive, helpful, fulfilling. I have many more wonderful memories then the few bad which can be quite LOUD! DEMANDING! UGH!!!...but...When I decide to change my thinking. I choose to use the power of my own mind to heal. To deal. To get things into perspective...
Writing like this, to an out sider, looks like I am a depressive negative person going through some kind of personal drama. When in reality. Not really. Not perticularly. I have been through crappy things in my life, over the years. Many years. Not all condensed into one deep dark 'Focused!' on the negative; hole of doom & gloom...
Unfortunately for me. I do have this mega memory for detail. My memory can be too good. Whilst everyone else has long forgotten & moved on. I can still remember every detail. How I felt...Sometimes I wish I had a selective memory like many people seem to have...
I have taught myself to stop negative flash backs in their tracks...I think 'Stop thinking. Live in the moment. Live in the present, think about the future' I have these words on repeat, because sometimes negative flash backs can be really stuborn, selfish, A hole 'Ugh!'
Focusing on 'Stop thinking. Live in the moment' Does help me a lot. I want to write stories about my past experiences as a sub. My kinky self...but...I end up with horrendous flash backs from often enhanced obnoxious behaviour from certain people...
There is so much to my sub self then the ignorance from others. So I should 'Just write'...I should use my great, wonderful, fantasticully 'fabulous' experiences, the fond memories of that part of myself, in that part of my life. To create my own fantasy, reality. I am past living it. So why not create my own personal 'virtual' sub me; life...Through stories. Kinkier the better. Though maybe not here. I don't think this is a site to write about kink...
Nuff said for now...
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I've always looked on the bad
I've always looked on the bad things that have happened in my life with a satisfaction, at having experienced it all and come out the other side far more informed. Life is full of ups and downs and being able to write down whatever pops into your mind can be such a tonic.
I hope you do get to write down your feelings and that in some way it helps, it did for me anyway.
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I used to be a prolific
I used to be a prolific contributer to review sites in the past. Really, I just wanted to write fiction. The best advice I ever had was from a wonderful Irishman who told me that when complaining about writer's block, just keep writing...nobody will notice the difference.
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Some great ideas on positive thinking
Some great ideas on positive thinking Karen! It does work and you are obviously very determined. Well you're at the right place here, more than 90% of our content is just positive.
Are you new at Abctales? Very Welcome! Tom Brown
Oh yes, on your profile photo, are they twins?!
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