For whose benefit …?

By Rhiannonw
- 1520 reads
Gifting from
kind, good conscience,
or gifts of deceit,
gifting from plenty,
gifting from poverty,
gifting for praise
made for publicity,
to impress;
gifts anonymous
made privately
to ease distress;
gifts parsimonious,
gifts generous:
a quiet, cheerful giver
not looking for thanks and honour
is truly blest
far more than the receiver,
or the ostentatious giver.
[IP: The Donation]
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You're so right, Rhiannon.
You're so right, Rhiannon. The spirit of the gift is certainly as important as the amount.
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"a quiet, cheerful giver
"a quiet, cheerful giver
not looking for thanks and honour
is truly blest
far more than the receiver,
or the ostentatious giver."
Those last few lines capture the moral for me. I find it easier to give than recieve but I guess it's the intention for either/both that sets aside someone who is truly selfless.
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An apt poem for the I P.
An apt poem for the I P.
These lines did get me thinking:-
gifts anonymous
made privately
to ease distress,
It does depend on the situation. There's nothing worse that finding out you've given money to someone homeless on the streets, only to discover they've spent the money on drugs. This happened to me, which makes me reluctant to hand out money on the streets. I'd rather buy them a hot cup of soup, coffee or tea.
But you do make some valid points in your poem Rhiannon.
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This could be a rap Rhiannon
This could be a rap Rhiannon :0) I think you are so right, one should not give through a sense of duty or return reward, but to make happy, a gift is a bird set free
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Honey dripping
Honey dripping of the lips the kisses of an enemy is abundant. Flattery is dangerous.
Nice poem! Keep well Rhiannon! Tom.
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Your poem made me think of giving in a way I never had before
2 people can give someone in need the same thing, but one can be worth more than the other's because of their intent.
With technoogy evolving the internet into a place where people show off for money, ate thos people who video themselves helping others for real? Or is it only for the veiws?
I really like the poem
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nice subject
I was always told to give with hands wide open, in other words, it was freely given & not to be taken back.... :) One of my dearest scottish relations :)
maisie Guess what? I'm still alive!
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