What's the Matter?
By Jane Hyphen
- 951 reads
What’s the opposite of matter?
Erm...doesn’t matter
Yes it does
What’s the matter?
Stuff, all that stuff
We need more space
How much space do you need?
That’s another matter
What you need is volume
Turn it down,
As a matter of fact,
What’s the time?
There’s no time
It’s an emergency
That’s heavy man
Actually it’s light
The speed of light
If you’re tiny enough
Time doesn’t exist
I’m big like my mum
It’s all relative
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ah, things were simple in
ah, things were simple in classical physics when the universe could be measured like flour with sticky bits.
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Hi, Jane, I'm still foggy
Hi, Jane, I'm still foggy about what it's all about (I thought is was a series of statements about different things that can be taken different ways), but from your answer to Celt, I gather basically it is about 'what "matter " is', and hence 'has it a future, has it an end'? God does tell us – Jesus said – that when he comes back, all will be changed, the old destroyed, and all that is wrong here now, and the new, perfect, eternal produced. Something to think on, in relation to human wonderings? Rhiannon
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