Spartan Diet Plans 2013 Spartan Rising
By trevor_mossop
- 2570 reads
In one hand I hold a Cadbury's chocolate fudge, in the other a nice cup of earl grey tea.
On the note pad that sits in front of me, the heading; Spartan Diet Plans 2013
It would be fair to say I think better whilst eating, it's therapeutic, relaxing even, but contradicts the subject on my mind.
Well, should I diet?
I'm certainly not putting the fudge down unless it's an empty wrapper, so it would be true to say I won't be dieting today or probably tomorrow, but next week that's a different thing.
Today I signed up for an intensive 12 week course with someone called Anthony Bova, he calls his program the Spartan Health Regime and if the Atkins diet didn't beat him to it, it would be quite controversial, his new course he has named Spartan Rising and although I am still not mentally prepared to diet, I have to have a camera down my throat on Tuesday to see why I have such bad indigestion and breathing difficulties, and I can't eat for 6 hours before, so if I eat the night before, and it all goes well, I will fast for 1 or 2 days
Friday, 18th Jan
Well, the above note was from last week, I ate on Monday but didn't eat again until Wednesday night, then I ate steak with scrambled eggs and a bit of cheese. It was confirmed that I have GORD and that the muscle that prevents food coming back up tom my stomach is weak and if I don't lose weight it could develop into a Hiatus Hernia.
The official start date to this 12 week diet is now next Monday, but I have started a week early, so I can de-carb and gradually cut down on other things.
I have been drinking tea with milk because the weather is so cold, something I need to cut out, might take some bottled water to work next week, hopefully that won't be as cold as the tap water.
My weight on Tuesday was 199.1lbs, my weight today was 194.9lbs, nice start to weight loss.
I have also prepared a weight loss chart in excel spreadsheet, although I do have an app on my phone, I now realise that it's good to add your own columns to show as average weight loss, weeks to go and so forth. It's also printable.
I need to take a whole different approach to the diet this time, compared to past attempts, where previously I allowed my self some snacks which turned into me eating too many snacks instead of meals, felt hungry and almost craving the snacks, like yoghurt with honey and pistachios. This turned into submitting to other snacks like a bit of trifle, or rice pudding, semolina etc. then diet over.
Also, with this diet being very Atkins in style, it has previously made me wary of trying again. Mainly because, the one time I did do the Atkins, I lost weight so fast I thought there was something wrong with me, so I panicked and ate loads of junk to stop the weight loss, then I started to put on more weight, then to get injuries, which made me comfort eat, more weight, more food, more weight more injuries, exercise ground to halt, i have been miserable as sin ever since.
Also on other past diet attempts I have allowed myself to eat far too much bacon and sausage, which are NOT quality fat meat products, in fact probably some of the worst.
Sunday 20 Jan
Today I feel Ok, just a little tired from staying up late. Mind you, I did have the overwhelming urge to tidy all of yesterday, I'm hoping to start tidying again soon, I have so far lost 6.5lb since Tuesday, not bad really as I haven't finished the 1st week yet.
Monday 21st Jan
Crikey, tidied yesterday too and today I went through some of the kids clothes bagging what was too small.
Thursday 24th Jan
Well, last week I lost 7lb in weight Tue to Tue, pretty good start, but one or two pounds a week would be great, though I'm sure if I stick to no junk food, the long term effects will be real.
Sunday 27th Jan
Struggled with motivation and energy the last 2 days, maybe not drinking enough water, maybe just over did thing's digging in the snow yesterday. Whatever, I hope my energy levels pick up soon. Weight loss has been more gain this week as I have been experimenting with how many carbs I need, but I couldn't keep going with hardly any carbs, it was unrealistic and below even the recommended amount on the diet.
Maybe need to start adding exercise to my routine, will think about it tomorrow.
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Good for you! Keep on
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