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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StorySum valiswaverider413 years 2 months ago
StoryDaydreaming skinner_jennifer1813 years 2 months ago
StoryThe Lighthouse Richard L. Prov...213 years 3 months ago
StoryJesus Loves You mcscraic113 years 3 months ago
StoryThose Were the Days... Silver Spun Sand1813 years 3 months ago
StoryVanilla, a Choice of Season Richard L. Prov...413 years 4 months ago
StorySunday sorrow Mummy Penguin713 years 4 months ago
StoryEarly in the Year. Luly Whisper613 years 5 months ago
StoryNature's Songs L G Meadows613 years 5 months ago
StoryAttempts at Haiku. ScoZen1813 years 5 months ago
StoryDisasters Rhiannonw213 years 6 months ago


My stories

Grown-ups missing Santa

A generous old man adept, and deft at giving secret gifts: morphed to foster expectations of presents as befits the average monthly purse of each locale (why can’t I ask to get a horse?

Visit to Clun

Clustered village in a vale of sombre hills, high mound aside with towering ruin: gaping, ragged window voids that frame stunning views of drop to valley floor

New Year’s Day Tandem

Blue sky, crisp air, glinting floods, reflections of reversed bare-boned trees; refreshing breeze; dashing down dips (he’s in front, hope he’s taking care) struggling up hills

From the east to the King-child in the house

Gold, and frankincense, and myrrh: gifts so costly, rich and rare: kingly honour, infant Saviour, – Jesus our sins would bear. ch : See the Gentiles travelling far,

A brown Christmas …

A brown Christmas, dead buzzard in the mud, fields a-flood, welcome sight of clearing sky a breeze up high to make clouds skud away awhile; still warm and bright the friendly smile,
