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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryWhere Does The Good Go AOTY1936 years 1 month ago
Storypinned Di_Hard46 years 1 month ago
StoryCouncil in heaven Rhiannonw06 years 1 month ago
StoryDesert Storm luigi_pagano46 years 1 month ago
StoryA CONVERSATION WITH GOD Richard L. Prov...36 years 1 month ago
StoryLIVING Richard L. Prov...36 years 1 month ago
StoryThe Jacket Rhiannonw86 years 1 month ago
StoryWANTED DOWN UNDER Linda Wigzell Cress46 years 1 month ago
StoryShine Please - Somewhere forest_for_ever46 years 1 month ago
Blog entryChanges - a ramble Ray Schaufeld96 years 1 month ago
StoryWhy Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan Rhiannonw06 years 1 month ago
StoryAt A Jumble Sale luigi_pagano66 years 1 month ago
StoryOf Limpets & the Ebb and Flow of Stress Rhiannonw76 years 1 month ago
StoryRat-A-Tat-Tat (Poetry Monthly) loquaciousicity46 years 1 month ago
StoryAn Ideal Place luigi_pagano76 years 1 month ago
StorySHOULD YOU HIIDE Richard L. Prov...16 years 1 month ago
StoryThe Latter Rain. Maxine Jasmin-Green66 years 1 month ago
StoryTake A Second Look forest_for_ever76 years 1 month ago
StoryReward for the persecuted Rhiannonw06 years 1 month ago
StoryWindow on the universe Parson Thru186 years 1 month ago
StoryA Learning Curve luigi_pagano46 years 1 month ago
StoryPrincess And The Dwarf skinner_jennifer146 years 1 month ago
StorySammad celticman76 years 1 month ago
StoryLust Loses All Rhiannonw116 years 1 month ago
StoryRescue! Rhiannonw06 years 1 month ago


My stories

Friendly Separation

Thank you for crossing to the other side, we know you don’t want to shun us or hide, or show us our friendship you can’t abide, but the pavement’s...

Signs of Spring 11)

Promise of berries for winter red, for feeding the cold-weather birds, but some will be picked with their prickly leaves – broad waxy leaves for...

Whatever the mess

Relationships many – her life was a mess, found Jesus knew all and seemed willing to bless … for all he’d astounding good news!

Signs of Spring 10)

Day’s Eye: One of the earliest to respond to the turn of the seasons, it’s beauty undervalued, bright white stars glitter in the sunshine, setting...

Signs of Spring 9)

Graceful ‘greyhound’ stretching twigs, firm, sooty buds – late to open – before the leaves appear, see first the bursting flowers’ purple froth, and...


1361 of my comments have received 1402 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

That last verse seems

Posted on Tue, 27 May 2014

That last verse seems tantalizing – what is she/you troubled about in the relationship/conversation? hope waking manages to put the worry to rest?! I suppose it is all up to the reader to imagine? Rhiannon

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Posted in A Glass of Water

1 Vote

Some helpful thoughts there,

Posted on Wed, 07 May 2014

Some helpful thoughts there, Taris. And a very helpful Bible verse. In the last sentence do you mean 'Study his (God's) word'? Rhiannon

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Posted in Our Prayers

1 Vote

Beautiful and comfortable,

Posted on Fri, 02 May 2014

Beautiful and comfortable, sprightly, and certainly not in a routine rut! Enjoyed your comfortable musing. Rhiannon

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Posted in The Blue Chair

1 Vote

a 'you-shaped hole' – that's

Posted on Mon, 28 Apr 2014

a 'you-shaped hole' – that's very expressive of  loss of any kind, and so difficult for anyone else to understand and appreciate.
(I remember being so glad when we exchanged our very oil-marked kitchen carpet for a piece of vinyl!) ...

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Posted in After You'd Gone...

1 Vote

Choosing pebbles/choosing

Posted on Mon, 21 Apr 2014

Choosing pebbles/choosing words, smooth right through – a vivid metaphor, while keeping private the mysteries of the occasion. Rhiannon

(liked the picture, reminded me of some seen on stormy beaches – I think people return to see if they'...

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Posted in Stones

1 Vote

Can't say I understand all

Posted on Sat, 19 Apr 2014

Can't say I understand all your musings here, Tina. But I'm happy that scripture makes clear that Jesus is coming back, but that will be the culmination of all, - yes the resurrection of the dead, but also a judgement, so that it is so important...

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Posted in A Sudden Resurrection (I.P.)

1 Vote

Apart from your usual

Posted on Sat, 19 Apr 2014

Apart from your usual niftyness with rhythm and rhyme, Alvin, you have opened up, with a light touch,  good thoughts about developing a loving care, a real constant sharing and thinking of the others ups and downs, and needs, and not just '...

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1 Vote

Is the picture yours, Bee?

Posted on Thu, 17 Apr 2014

Is the picture yours, Bee? This has a lovely feel of painting someone and mixing it with memories and so many thoughts of the person that can't be painted on and yet somehow can affect the painting to somehow impart character and experiences....

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Posted in Emily

1 Vote

Well, Bee, it just shows - I

Posted on Mon, 07 Apr 2014

Well, Bee, it just shows - I only just noticed this now, because I checked on you, as so often I mostly have a check of the new poetry.  I too have a growing list of contributors, many of whom mostly do prose only, and see what I can follow. I've...

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Posted in Complaint

1 Vote

Hi, Moya, read all three

Posted on Mon, 31 Mar 2014

Hi, Moya, read all three parts together. You seem to have started on a huge labour!
I was intrigued by your moving from 'the big, bad businesses' and the pleasure people  have in laying into anonymous people as a group, to the more personal...

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Posted in The Labour Planet - A Working Title - Part Three
