I have 239 stories published in
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My stories have been read 1424910 times
and 245 of my stories have been cherry picked. 288 of my 5,468 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 274 votes
There is such anguish in this. So often missed - that last moment, the last chance to be there. But it happens so often that I believe that it's difficult for someone to leave when certain loved ones are present and that they can only let go in...
I'm so relieved the photo has nothing to do with the poem, Moya. Very expressive of those emotions, wistful and yearning. Lovely words - I could be wrong, but if it was me, I'd lose the commas at the ends of the lines where sentences don't need...
When you stop drinking you start thinking - thinking of all the stuff you used to block out and that's painful at times but your writing is a great friend to you here - keep going. Really, keep this up and in a short while you...
Brilliantly written - really moving. Puts so much into perspective that I am sitting here wondering why I have ever bothered writing most of the stuff I've prattled on about.
What a lovely poem. I noticed a couple of typos - in stanza 1&2 the word 'to' has an exta 'o' - should read 'to'. And at the end of the first stanza, I was wondering if it should be -
Its so great you've used your 'Thought' and turned it into a poem. I love that you are so positive and always try to bring sunshine. I really like the idea of the first stanza, but I think the second still needs a little work as...
I liked the child-like quality of the sentences - eg. 'Another day, a long time ago, I was stepping out of a boat and tripped and hit my head very hard.' For me, the apparent simplicity is what takes you back and forth, as mentioned by scratch...
I see the scene clearly
Posted on Sun, 23 Mar 2014
I see the scene clearly through your words.
Read full commentPosted in Girl on a horse
Good title and great opening
Posted on Sun, 23 Mar 2014
Good title and great opening lines. For me, the honest simplicity throughout this piece makes it very moving and a great tribute.
Lovely words.
Read full commentPosted in Unconditional
There is such anguish in this
Posted on Thu, 20 Mar 2014
There is such anguish in this. So often missed - that last moment, the last chance to be there. But it happens so often that I believe that it's difficult for someone to leave when certain loved ones are present and that they can only let go in...
Read full commentPosted in Dear Darling...
I agree with Vera - a poem be
Posted on Fri, 14 Mar 2014
I agree with Vera - a poem be read out loud. Entertainingly and wittily written.
Read full commentPosted in Shorty
I'm so relieved the photo has
Posted on Fri, 07 Mar 2014
I'm so relieved the photo has nothing to do with the poem, Moya. Very expressive of those emotions, wistful and yearning. Lovely words - I could be wrong, but if it was me, I'd lose the commas at the ends of the lines where sentences don't need...
Read full commentPosted in Love?
Hi Steve.
Posted on Sat, 01 Mar 2014
Hi Steve.
When you stop drinking you start thinking - thinking of all the stuff you used to block out and that's painful at times but your writing is a great friend to you here - keep going. Really, keep this up and in a short while you...
Read full commentPosted in being sober 3
Brilliantly written - really
Posted on Thu, 27 Feb 2014
Brilliantly written - really moving. Puts so much into perspective that I am sitting here wondering why I have ever bothered writing most of the stuff I've prattled on about.
Posted in Flood
Hi Trish.
Posted on Thu, 20 Feb 2014
Hi Trish.
What a lovely poem. I noticed a couple of typos - in stanza 1&2 the word 'to' has an exta 'o' - should read 'to'. And at the end of the first stanza, I was wondering if it should be -
That we all woke up...
Read full commentPosted in Thought Of The Day :))))))
Hi Trish.
Posted on Tue, 18 Feb 2014
Hi Trish.
Its so great you've used your 'Thought' and turned it into a poem. I love that you are so positive and always try to bring sunshine. I really like the idea of the first stanza, but I think the second still needs a little work as...
Read full commentPosted in My Thought Of The Moment.
I liked the child-like
Posted on Thu, 13 Feb 2014
I liked the child-like quality of the sentences - eg. 'Another day, a long time ago, I was stepping out of a boat and tripped and hit my head very hard.' For me, the apparent simplicity is what takes you back and forth, as mentioned by scratch...
Read full commentPosted in The Passageway