Un-Prodigal Daughter
By threeleafshamrock
Wed, 04 Feb 2009
- 1782 reads
I must go now,
In pursuit of Love!
Will you miss me?
Who will live your dreams?
I tried to
But could not reach them;
They were too high.
You should have
Beaten me!
It would have
Served me better
Than the scornful glances,
That cut silently,
Peeling away
The gossamer,
That tenuously
Held my pride.
As for Love!
To be cast as
A spark from
A burning log
To smoulder,
Trying to burn
But, without the flame;
A cheap whore
Was I that hard To Love?
Was a smile, or
A word of praise
So costly?
The investment
Would have gleaned
Such dividends!
I will find it!
I WILL rekindle!
I MUST, before
The ember dies
And that is why,
I must go now!
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Bitter! Deliciously so! I
Bitter! Deliciously so!
I think you mean 'I tried to' not 'too' though? Unless I am misreading...
J x
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I wonder if this is from an
Permalink Submitted by russiandoll on
I wonder if this is from an angry mother's PoV or a spurned lover reflecting on her failure to captivate a prodigal son who is her peer?
Nice work, either way.
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What a sad tale - but also
Permalink Submitted by russiandoll on
What a sad tale - but also inspiring to think of someone going out and finding what they need from life, despite the massive hurt she must have carried with her. How loved her own little brood must be. Will you show her your poem, I wonder?
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