Life’s a Stage

By threeleafshamrock
- 2678 reads
I have walked this stage
for more than half a century.
My God! How ancient the sound of it.
Looking back I identify the places
where the ‘acts’ were spliced,
although invisible at the time.
There were some wonderful parts;
the infant, the juvenile, the adult -
complicated characters all!
Now the critics advise that I must accept
a new part; ‘Elderly’ or even ‘Old’.
I refuse this branding, as I did the others.
I do not drool or vacantly stare
As if imagining a ghostly presence
I manage continence…reasonably well!
Why should I be stigmatized so?
This is my production, I say!
I will decide the role best suited.
But a voice whispers from the wings,
‘You are only the actor, I write the script.
When I direct, you must exit stage left!’
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Ho! ho! I've Sixteen years
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A very clever write, Chris
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Not quite where you are yet,
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I'm catching up with you
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'But a voice whispers from
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Haha who said anything about
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