The other side
By Tom Brown
- 9360 reads
Pretoria 1986
I met her on campus on a warm early-summer day. I was drinking a coke and she walked into the Caf. The air was full of happy voices like you only get in a university cafeteria. She looked a bit like a stray – her black hair was untidy and she wore clothes that didn’t fit properly.
Some people stopped talking and looked at her – like me – but most kept on talking.
She looked straight into my eyes and I smiled at her. She spat on the floor and walked straight to me “What are you grinning at buster?” she said in a calm voice.
“You look lost” I said, still smiling. She sat down with her feet on the table. “You want a coke?” I asked. ”Yes, and a double brandy” she replied. “Then we’ll have to go to another place” I said. “Coke will be fine” she said smiling.
My four engineering friends where becoming uncomfortable when I returned with the coke. Grapes and Jakes were having a go at each other over a chess board and Lotter was studying “Mechanics of Machines”.
“You know, you really would be a looker if you did something about your hair” I said politely. “None of your business, anyway you look as if you just came from Woodstock”. “Want a cigarette?”, I asked, offering a Gaulois. She took it and broke it in half. “Smoking stinks”, she said. She looked around and pulled a face at a pretty girl. Then she spat on the floor again. Lotter took his book and walked making a weak excuse. “What do you want to study” she asked me. I said “Maths”. “Oh, that’s nice, have you proved Fermat’s last theorem?” I broke out laughing.
“Well I thought as much, you don’t look like a good mathematician” she said. “Well if that’s your criterion you won’t find a good mathematician in history” I replied. “I know, there isn’t one” she said. ”What about Gauss or Newton?” I asked. “Well Newton was a good theologian, and Gauss was a good calculator” she said. “Oh, I see” I said. “Want to see a good trick?” she asked. “Yes” I replied.
“Well, get me a pack of cards” she ordered. I laughed and walked over to some friends who were playing Bridge. They always had a spare pack. I borrowed it and walked back.
She took the cards and held them out “Take one”. I took one and looked at it. “It’s a Jack of Diamonds” she said. I was staggered. “How could she have known?” “I saw the reflection in your glasses” she said.
I blew out a long breath, relieved. “But actually I know a few tricks” she said. “I don’t think I want to see them” I said, still shaken. “I think I’ll call you Sabrina”, I said, “My name is actually Zelda but call me what you like.”
“My name is Thomas” I said.
“As in unbeliever or as in twin?” she asked. “Probably unbeliever” I said.
”You won't be an unbeliever once I've shown you the other side.” “The other side of what?” I inquired puzzled. “The other side of you and the other side of me – in short – the other side of reality.”
“Don't freak me out let's talk about something else” I said.
The Caf was getting quieter now. A lot of people had left – it was already 3 o' clock, but the smoke was still in the air. Nobody took notice of us anymore and Grapes and Jakes had left. We sat there in silence – she sipping her coke and I dragging contentedly on a cigarette. Then Louis came in he always wore funny modern clothes and an earring. I was sure he’d like Sabrina.
He came over and sat down. ”Howzit Tom” he said, “Who’s your girlfriend?” “This is Sabrina, I think she studies art or something” I said. “I don’t need this stupid education” she said “I know a lot of things”. “So where do you live?” asked Louis. “Western Hills” she said, “I’ve got a day-pass.”
Louis and me sat in silence for a while. She smiled her sinister smile.
”Do you want a ride home?” Louis asked me. “Yes” I said “What about Sabrina?” “I’ll just take the bus” she said. So I and Louis got up and walked.
When I got home my mom and her boy-friend were sitting there. I told Selby about Sabrina. “You mean if she peed on the sidewalk the paving would crack” he chuckled tapping out his pipe.
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