It's Over!
By threeleafshamrock
Thu, 26 May 2011
- 1136 reads
The sun rises in my coffee cup,
washing the sleep from my senses.
Abandoned, pain moves to caress,
exquisitely, familiarly, almost lovingly,
stroking every nerve end;
a high voltage current,
fizzing along willing conductors,
earthed within the subconscious,
lighting the darkened corridors
of my mind.
Sadness and regret pool,
forming twin waterfalls
that cascade over puffy sills,
gravitating toward oblivion.
Memories, frolic in the shallows,
mocking my reticence in accepting
the inevitable conclusion;
it's over!
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Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
hello threeleafshamrock,
this is such a sad piece, but so very descriptively
written. It warms my heart to know there is another
sensitive soul out there.
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Love affairs maybe but it is
Permalink Submitted by hilary west on
Love affairs maybe but it is never over in life. What has happened to all your cherries ? You are certainly performing with this one. It is deep and heartfelt, a great poem !
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