The Green Wheelbarrow (IP)
By Cavalcader
- 2685 reads
What a man he was our dad
a garden with sweet peas
trellising up
the bamboo canes
Mum would say carrots to see in the dark
cabbage to make the hair curl
potatoes with long roots
trudging about in welly boots
An allotment with all things in
but creep down at night inebriated
and pick the biggest bunch of flower's
off of someone else's garden for me
His name displayed
on the side of his
butcher's bike
painter decorator esq;
Sometimes he would strain
his paint
through a pair
of nylon tights
Or thin paint down
with a bit of turps
wipe all his
brushes on too
Could hang his wallpaper
thick or thin
rose scrolls on the ceiling
looked so appealing
Sign writing fascinating to watch
a little rub here and there
to make his letters
ABC right
His toad in the hole
was a wonderful taste
welsh rarebit
with a sprinkle of oxo
Could have lived longer
maybe if didn't smoke his
woodbines so much
finger's tarred with nicotine
Cut out his
beer with a chaser
and a barley wine
Violin accordian piano
could play
none of us as
clever as him
As kids two of us out
of six would load his
green wheelbarrow
up hill and down dale
And laugh!
at the rainbows end
Ladders and paint cans on
walk push miles away
puffed out phew!
just for dad
I would never put him in the
green wheelbarrow
and cover him with turf
just for the night
But would have loved
him by my side
just as I did
the morning he died
And my dear mum
Violet a small bunch
her favourite flower
in a plant pot every hour
Psychic as he was
will never know
that beautiful
magic ring
Was bad for me
from beginning
to end more like
a poison one
So sorry had to get
rid of it told and the dvd
like my poem
"My Beautiful Ring'
sorry so late!
5 minutes squiggles
put to-gether
all comments and corrections please
Don't worry if it is too late for (IP)
Editor (Tony)
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Hi julie, what a wonderful
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A nice little tale in verse
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Have a nice holiday. I am
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Much enjoyed this. There is
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I was referring to Seamus
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