Beautiful Truth

By Deliberately Evolving
- 1418 reads
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Douce vérité,
brille comme le nénuphar éclatant,
calme et paisible.
Bien que lourd, il s’installe à la surface de l’eau,
couronne de vertu pour tous les besoins de l’humanité.
Douce vérité,
un brin de lumière à travers l’obscurité,
guide l’âme perdu jusqu’à chez lui.
Malgré les obstacles voulant faire trébucher,
pas de chute pour ceux qui s’accrochent.
Douce vérité,
un refuge parmi la tempête,
à l’abris de la pluie, le vent, la grêle-
isolée, seule,
je cours vers toi en plein chagrin.
Douce vérité, ici
Je trouve l’amour divine qu’est vie.
Mon Dieu, oh Jah, allah –
Garde moi à tes côtés,
debout face à l’ennemi.
Douce vérité,
Je t’en prie, garde-moi près de toi.
Serre-moi fort.
Serre-moi fort.
Serre-moi fort
Beautiful truth,
bright as the luminescent Lily,
still and peaceful.
Although weighty,
sits atop the water,
crown of virtue
on all the needs of humanity.
Beautiful truth,
a thread of light through dark,
guiding lost soul home.
Though obstacles may try to trip,
no fall for those who hold on.
Beautiful truth,
a place of refuge in storm,
sheltered from rain and wind and hail-
isolated, alone,
I run to you in woe.
Beautiful truth,
here I find divine love that is life.
My God, oh Jah, allah –
Keep me with you,
upright in the face of foe.
Beautiful truth,
I pray let me stay.
Hold me close.
Hold me close.
Hold me close.
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True truth beautiful, though can be uncomfortable too, but certainly reliable to hold on to and can hold us safely, surely. We must hear and heed. Jesus said he is the truth, came to bring the truth, eternal. Rhiannon
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Glad you fixed the link -
Glad you fixed the link - what a hypnotic little film! Very nicely read, thank you
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The whole performance, with
The whole performance, with all of its elements, is lovely!
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