

Doing Days

Couple of ‘doing days’. Little chores outside the home to get done, buy Christmas stamps, return boots (not the millionaire boots, other ones), buy...

Jupiter Energy

Farring absolutely Niente is all very well, but there comes a point where a gal just has to get out into the fresh air. If only to buy more fat balls...

Bus Pass [and BPL] Go Off to Camp

Bus Pass and BPL were running out of Enid Blyton ‘Famous Five’ titles to blatantly plagiarise for Bus Pass adventures. Several tricky ones were left...

Guests in the House

Annual Posting Guests in the House The 747 circled lazily through the patterned array of clouds that framed the blue of the Atlantic Ocean and the...

Still Life II

Yesterday never really got light. A bleak midwinter day if ever there was one. Sky, a twilit grey-green all day, somewhere between aventurine and...

Still Life

Friday evening, joined a ceilidh-zoom for the Geopoetics Society Christmas celebration. Forgot about all that zoom, ‘you’re-on-mute‘, kafuffle. Am...

On High with the Angels

Drove home on Monday via the Glamis Road, avoiding the queues from Dundee roadworks. Exited for Kinfauns and rather than go left towards Scone, out...


She was just a little thing, this cousin of mine: eleven, maybe twelve, whatever young enogh to register Fear and peer away from it, toward Safety...


Lovely to go visiting, but it’s wonderful to be home again. There is no bed like your own bed, and no place like home for fully embracing ‘ Dolce far...