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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryStrange Times... HarryC65 years 9 months ago
StoryPaul's Song mcscraic25 years 9 months ago
StoryA Journey Into Space luigi_pagano85 years 9 months ago
StoryThe impossible journey! — Rhiannonw65 years 9 months ago
StoryLife-long waitings Rhiannonw95 years 9 months ago
StoryDecember Christmas Acrostic — 'A' Rhiannonw25 years 9 months ago
StoryIron: Man Pat G95 years 9 months ago
StoryThe Hidden Help Jane Hyphen265 years 9 months ago
StoryVested Presence skinner_jennifer85 years 9 months ago
StoryRoss on Wye and Chase Wood 15/11/18 Rhiannonw95 years 9 months ago
Storywristwatch JupiterMoon15 years 9 months ago
StoryA Willow Tree loquaciousicity65 years 10 months ago
StoryBorn in a Cabin in Cuyahoga County: The Tragic Curtailed Presidency of James A. Garfield Carl Halling15 years 10 months ago
StoryDon’t misuse his name. Rhiannonw05 years 10 months ago
StoryThe Wait luigi_pagano25 years 10 months ago
StoryPages of Rage Richard L. Prov...45 years 10 months ago
StoryChristmas in Kessingland (a sestina) luigi_pagano95 years 10 months ago
StoryA Long Term Care Facility Richard L. Prov...35 years 10 months ago
StoryA Casual Murder hilary west115 years 10 months ago
StoryPromises Beyond The Veil Of Light ( PT 12 ) skinner_jennifer115 years 10 months ago
StoryWinter's Nod skinner_jennifer35 years 10 months ago
StoryThe Snowman luigi_pagano45 years 10 months ago
StoryBy Candle's Glow skinner_jennifer85 years 10 months ago
StoryCruel Winter (IP) luigi_pagano55 years 10 months ago
StoryCywydd [Cuh-with] Form, Wintery Rhiannonw155 years 10 months ago


My stories

Gold cherry

Film in the night sky

[from our garden, north Herefordshire 11/8/20] A realm lights up in the sky momentarily, between cloud mountains: gone in a flash, but reappearing...

How does the little beetle spring?

More than 200g g-force experienced at take-off (– extremely extreme); and each time it can jump over 200 times its body length, (like a man jumping...

Like Sheep

[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] Wandering far for lusher grass, sheep cannot give thought to the bogs and pits they pass where they could get caught. Need a Shepherd to control, where they drift and roam …

“Let’s Party!”

“Let’s drink and be merry – who cares if we carry a virus – we’re well but bored, want a …"

Safe Space

[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] … space for all from fears to hide. Safe because … As you struggle in this place … ’till reach danger-free ‘home-base’.


1361 of my comments have received 1402 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

This is very moving, Terry –

Posted on Sun, 06 Sep 2015

This is very moving, Terry – and it 'moves' well! I take it it's metaphor after metaphor to show the distress, the emptiness, the tragedy of the feeling of hopelessness at losing her. And that certainly comes over, and especially with the...

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Posted in Alone Again

1 Vote

Interesting comment on a hard

Posted on Fri, 04 Sep 2015

Interesting comment on a hard day. You are one able to make the best of inactivity and even pain with observations and imaginative thought. This reminded me of that Poetry Monthly about windows. Your views out, and the trains of thought...

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Posted in In Windows

1 Vote

Again, you've got into the

Posted on Thu, 03 Sep 2015

Again, you've got into the child's mind, and can empathise. Won't be long before the routine is friendly and familiar! that can be a bit of a shock for Mum too!
Last line schools – school's ? Rhiannon

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Posted in First day

1 Vote

Certainly surreal, Terry, and

Posted on Sun, 30 Aug 2015

Certainly surreal, Terry, and having fun with how many of the rhymes you could weave such a tale around I guess! And keep the rhythm going. It's always interesting to see the traditional mediaeval myth feel of such tales interjected with the...

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Posted in Malimar

1 Vote

So sad, effectively told in

Posted on Wed, 26 Aug 2015

So sad, effectively told in its simplicity and brevity. Is it based on a number of incidents or one in particular? Rhiannon

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Posted in Spilt Milk

1 Vote

Very sad. I expect if you are

Posted on Wed, 26 Aug 2015

Very sad. I expect if you are waiting for a possible explanation if feels like it may solve something for you, though probably it wouldn't really make a difference to the shattering bereavement. The 'whether to have a PM or not' must be so hard,...

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Posted in Post mortem results

1 Vote

It's even more difficult if

Posted on Mon, 24 Aug 2015

It's even more difficult if you're talking to someone who seems to feel an obligation to continue, and doesn't pick up on the hints that you feel that you need to go, but you don't want to lie about a committment, but you can't really say, 'I've...

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Posted in Loose Ends

1 Vote

the action of waves, real and

Posted on Thu, 06 Aug 2015

the action of waves, real and metaphoric, haven't got my head totally around the beachcombing. The waves wash away and bring in flotsam and jetsam?
Inprints = Imprints?

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Posted in Beach

1 Vote

the abyss of your absence

Posted on Wed, 22 Jul 2015

the abyss of your absence such a telling phrase in so many situations. Though it does reflect a good relationship that has been experienced. And for you, the shared enjoyment of the details of your surroundings, especially the nature...

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Posted in Opacity of Glass

1 Vote

There is a lot of lovely

Posted on Sun, 19 Jul 2015

There is a lot of lovely metaphor again here, maybe rather concentrated for taking it all in? The chorus is lovely and I liked Enticing the sun into scything the night, starry-eyed very much.
The whole rhythmic form is well worked...

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Posted in Sleep In My Arms Lullaby
