Womack and Womack!
By jolono
- 4047 reads
He'd had a reasonable day at the track. Won about seven hundred or so, quite a lot to some people, but not for him, this was just chicken feed.
Ok, so where now. Where can I turn this seven hundred sobs into some serious money?
Daves! Yep fucking Daves! He's always got a game going on. If I turn up with a bottle of scotch and put a monkey on the table, I'm in. For sure, I'm in.
Ok, so he beat me the other week, did me with a full house, but not today, today the luck is all mine.
It was just before 8 o'clock when he knocked on Dave's door. Bottle of whiskey in hand.
" Hello mate, you got a game going?"
" Actually, I have. Go inside, cost you a monkey to sit down though!"
" No problem for me Dave, not today, had a good day at Lingfield!"
He stumbled into Dave's front room. There were four people sitting down.They were;
1. Big Tone. Absolute nutter, used to work for the Post Office, now semi retired. Some kind of accident claim. He was over six foot and about 20 stone. Not a great card player though.
2. Old Stan. Stan was a legend, he'd won and lost a fortune over the years, but still kept coming back for more. he was one man you could never read at the card table.
3. Slippery Sid. Sid was a wanker. No two ways about it, a complete wanker. He would cheat, well, he would try to cheat. Never trust slippery Sid.
4. Mad Bob. Called Mad because he was just that. If he thought a game was going against him, he would often just turn the table over, start a fucking fight, throw things. Anything so he didn't lose the hand.
Then of course there was Dangerous Dave.Called that because he was dangerous on the table. He could beat you with a pair of fucking two's! Yep he was the main one to look out for.
He puled up a chair and sat down. The radio was playing. A familiar song came on and he started singing. " Solid, Solid as a rock, dum dum dum dum dum, thats what this love is"
" I fucking love Womack and Womack!"
Mad Bob was the first to react.
" What you talking about, Womack and womack?"
" This is Womack and Womack, one of my favourites!"
Old Stan was next.
" Fuck off, this isn't Womack and Womack!"
"Fucking is!"
Then Dangerous Dave came in.
" How much?"
"Much as you like, I know it's fucking Womack and Womack!"
Slippery Sid came in as well.
"I'll have two hundred!"
"Your on!"
Then the other four all chirped up at the same time.
"Yep, two hundred, we'll all have two hundred!"
"You're all fucking on!"
Everyone put their two hundred on the table.
Fuck it, he was confident about this, what a great start to the evening, he would win a grand, then take them all to the cleaners by winning the game. He put down a grand.
" Fucking covered, all of you, two hundred a piece"
They waited in silence for the tune to finish.
"There we go a massive hit for Ashford and Simpson, back in the day, now the news!"
He was feeling physically sick. In fact he had to go to the toilet and be sick!
He left quickly, couldn't take the shame.
He hadn't felt this bad since the day he forgot his PIN numbers.
Fuck it, tommorow, theres always tommorow!
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yeh, I hate those womacks
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Nice one;-) Tina
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Hiya pal .. I used to get
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